The Grand Saga of
George and Neal's Adventures
Through Time and Space (and Pudding)!

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39 Entries on This Page

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We Help You Help Yourself - Self Help Clinic

Views: 809/7915
Added: 02/13/2009

In 2005, George and Neal founded the "We Help You Help Yourself - Self Help Clinic". It is unknown at this time whether the Clinic was a whopping success or an utter failure, as George and Neal never unlocked the doors to the clinic, assuming those who needed the help would find it themselves.

Tags: business ventures(46) failures(22)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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Views: 545/13624
Added: 02/17/2009

When George and Neal were told they could do costume designing for Sean Connery, they jumped at the opportunity. Not because they liked Sean Connery - but rather they were intent on taking their revenge after Sean stole their "Rock Smoothies" idea (luckily, all that did was bust up his teeth and make the Yugoslavian sound like a Scottish man). Anyway, in an effort to exact revenge, George and Neal designed Sean's costume for his 1974 epic, Zardoz. The costume looked like this: Job well done, boys!


Zardoz - Sweet Revenge.

Sweet Revenge.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1974(6) celebrities(69) revenge(6) scantily clad people(15) smoothies(7) success!(13)
Names Mentioned: scotland(3) sean connery(1) yugoslavia(1) zardoz(8)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Science Donations

Views: 705/7502
Added: 02/18/2009

In 1999, Neal tried to give his body to science. After 30 days, his body was returned as being defective.

Tags: 1999(3) body parts(14) failures(22) neal funk(18) science(28)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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Fear Factor Delicacies

Views: 636/9731
Added: 03/07/2009

In 1998, George convinced Neal to go on Fear Factor, where Neal went on to eat 50 scorpions, 12 worms, and over a hundred bull testicles. Neal later learned in fact that George had merely played a practical joke and he was never on Fear Factor. Neal would have swore revenge, except that he realized he really liked eating bull testicles so he wasn't all that angry.


Fear Factor Delicacies - Why Neal took a liking to these we will never know, but he just couldn't stop downing them like there was no tomorrow.

Why Neal took a liking to these we will never know, but he just couldn't stop downing them like there was no tomorrow.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1998(9) food(45) revenge(6) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: fear factor(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: George (1)

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Just Another Barbecue

Views: 721/9568
Added: 03/10/2009

In the summer of 2009, George and Neal had a barbecue. (Hey, not everything is as exciting as time traveling or fighting off townspeople.) Oh yeah, there were hordes of zombies at the barbecue that George and Neal had to battle. Almost forgot about that part.


Just Another Barbecue - Still, it wasn't the worst barbecue we've attended...

Still, it wasn't the worst barbecue we've attended...

Photo by: Neal


Mmmm...  Grilled Zombie... - ...we did manage to get some interesting bits to try grilling.

...we did manage to get some interesting bits to try grilling.

Photo by: George

Tags: 2009(21) food(45) kicking ass(16) relaxing(1) zombies(21)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: George (1), Neal (1)

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Smells That I Can Produce and Then Identify

Views: 633/8595
Added: 03/19/2009

Neal and George's love of board games inspired George W. Bush to create his own line of games. He really wanted to create complex games that require an immense amount of concentration. His games, "Count Your Noses", "Connect the Dot", and "Smells That I Can Produce and Then Identify" are currently in production. 21st Century Fox has optioned the movie rights for all three games. George and Neal are considering filing lawsuits for co-creator rights.


Smells That I Can Produce and Then Identify - It's more challenging than it looks...

It's more challenging than it looks...

Photo by: George

Tags: games(15) george w. bush(5) movies(41)
Names Mentioned: 21st century fox(1) george w. bush(4)
Entry Logged By: George & Neal Collaboration - Photos by: George (1)

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Mmmmmmm... George Juice!

Views: 679/9616
Added: 03/20/2009

For unexplained reasons, George loves to bathe in Worcestershire sauce (which defines as a "savory sauce of vinegar, soy sauce and spices"). In 2004, George bottled and sold the bathsauce under the moniker "George Juice". Its sales are considerable, and some believe it has medicinal uses. This is not to be confused with "Neal Juice", which you don't want to know the ingredients of.


Mmmmmmm...  George Juice! - George Juice - It's tragically delicious.At least in theory. We've never actually tried it, but it sells like hotcakes!

George Juice - It's tragically delicious.

At least in theory. We've never actually tried it, but it sells like hotcakes!

Photo by: George

Tags: 2004(3) business ventures(46) Food(45) george funk(11) recipes(10)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: George (1)

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Neal's On Wheels

Views: 815/11906
Added: 04/19/2009

(Ahem). In 2040, Neal offered a new service to the general public, wherein he would transport people on his back while riding on roller skates. He called it "Neal's On Wheels". Not to be outdone, George provided a service wherein he hid food all over the metropolitan Chicago area for patrons to find and eat. He called it "George's Forage". When that didn't work, because food was usually partially eaten by the large packs of feral mongooses that will roam the streets of Chicago in 2040, he started "George's Porridge", although this led to a lawsuit from an adult movie studio, who claimed the name "George's Porridge" was the title of a long-running (but mediocre selling) line of movies.


Neal's On Wheels - Sure they look cute, but when you have thousands of these little guys trying to cross Lake Shore Drive it tends to get messy... Cabbies don't like to stop.

Sure they look cute, but when you have thousands of these little guys trying to cross Lake Shore Drive it tends to get messy... Cabbies don't like to stop.

Photo by: George

Tags: 2040(4) business ventures(46) chicago(10) food(45) lawsuits(13) xxx(11)
Names Mentioned: chicago(14)
Entry Logged By: George & Neal Collaboration - Photos by: George (1)

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Cookin' with Martha and Neal

Views: 524/13521
Added: 04/22/2009

In 1990, George began producing Martha Stewart's new cooking show, "Cookin' with Martha and Neal". The show ran for two very successful seasons; however, relations between Martha and Neal became strained, resulting in an on-air, climactic and violent fight between the two. Neal did not count on Martha's extremely long reach and proficiency with kitchen knives, and as a result he suffered greatly.


Cookin' with Martha and Neal - She'd as soon kill you as look at you.

She'd as soon kill you as look at you.

Photo by: Neal

Thankfully, George managed to bring Neal's corpse to the year 2050, where Neal was resuscitated. As a practical joke, George had Neal's testicles enlarged 500% and moved to his back. Surprisingly, Neal liked the new look, and his coinpurse remains unreasonably gigantic and misplaced to this day.

Tags: 1990(3) 2050(1) body parts(14) celebrities(69) oops(16) tv shows(49) xxx(11)
Names Mentioned: martha stewart(9)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Views: 577/10422
Added: 04/24/2009

In 1954, Neal and George worked in Japan assisting scientists with all sorts of experiments. (The boys secretly volunteered because they enjoyed drinking random test tubes of unknown substances in hopes of becoming giddily intoxicated). Unfortunately, the scientists' atomic testing awoke a furious Godzilla, which began destroying everything in sight. Fortunately, all of the genetic testing performed on George and Neal caused them to grow to epic proportions.


Godzilla - Godzilla is moderately annoyed.

Godzilla is moderately annoyed.

Photo by: Neal

George sprang into action, hitting Godzilla repeatedly with a broom. (Why a broom? Who knows? Maybe George couldn't find his purse.) Neal did not help in any meaningful way during the battle. Instead, he merely stood around, flexing his new gigantic muscles. After the rampage, Neal and George's bodies reverted back to their original size. Their heads, however, remained extremely gigantic for many years. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and they became highly compensated, successful models for Pep Boys.


Pep Boys: The Origin - Sadly, this doesn't look all that different than what we normally look like.

Sadly, this doesn't look all that different than what we normally look like.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1954(2) genetics(16) inspirations(19) kicking ass(16) mythological critters(7)
Names Mentioned: godzilla(3) japan(2) pep boys(1) tokyo(3)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (2)

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It's Not a Jewish eBay

Views: 623/8746
Added: 05/04/2009

In 2014, Neal and George created the website, "Oybay", the very first auction website devoted entirely to the sale and purchase of Jewish items.


It's Not a Jewish eBay - Eh... You can't beat such a deal!

Eh... You can't beat such a deal!

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2014(7) business ventures(46) jewish(6) websites(7)
Names Mentioned: ebay(2)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Fingers of Doom!: the Helen Keller Story

Views: 750/10574
Added: 05/16/2009

In 1982, Neal and George wrote, produced, and starred in the off-Broadway musical, "Fingers of Doom!: the Helen Keller Story." The play, which had an all-ninja cast, was a rousing success. The musical ended up winning two Tony's and garnered such praise as:

"The whimsical comedy is packed with clever ideas and has an engaging cast to bring these cartoonish figures to life..." - San Diego Times

" cerebral as it is emotional." - D. Braunagel

"Hits you like a sledgehammer with its astounding, stunningly creepy presentation... Two Thumbs Up!" - R. Ebert

The Helen Keller musical was later adapted as a video game, originally titled "Helen Keller Will Destroy You!" but was subsequently retitled "Mortal Kombat." The video game was also successful, though it lacked the political subtext of the play, as well as the original final boss Helen "The Killer" Keller.


Fingers of Doom!: the Helen Keller Story - It was an instant classic...

It was an instant classic...

Photo by: George

Tags: 1982(5) people of history(33) theater(8) video games(12)
Names Mentioned: broadway(3) don braunagel(1) helen keller(1) mortal kombat(1) roger ebert(1) san diego(1) tony awards(1)
Entry Logged By: George & Neal Collaboration - Photos by: George (1)

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Vatican Idol and Spin-offs

Views: 538/15785
Added: 06/02/2009

In 2007, hoping to cash in and ride on the success of American Idol, but knowing his limitations (such as poor fashion sense, body odor, warbley singing, weird eyebrows, crooked teeth, mismatched nostrils.... [editor's note: many of Neal's failings have been deleted to preserve Facebook's memory/storage]), Neal prompted George to create Vatican Idol, which he would then try out for. As Vatican City is the smallest country in the world by both area and population (pop: 900), Neal was sure to win the title. Or so he thought. Voted "Vatican City's 900th best singer," Neal suffered through the worst of Simon Cowell's caustic remarks, including: "I have seen more talent contained in the bowels of a seven-day-deceased rodent," "I would rather listen to spider-monkeys mating than hear another second of you singing", and "Despite the fact that all you did was sing, I can unequivocally say that you are the worst human being ever to exist on the face of the planet." Ouch. Neal then set his sights on performing in So You Think You Can Dance?. That, too, went poorly. Hopefully he will fare better on George's newest show, So You Think You Can Sit?.


Vatican Idol and Spin-offs - So tense... So exciting... Can you stay in your seat?

So tense... So exciting... Can you stay in your seat?

Photo by: Neal

George, on the other hand, began producing hit after hit in the reality programming world, including: The Amazing Standing In Place, Britain's Got Teeth Problems, and The Last Accountant Standing.


Britain's Got Teeth Problems - Stereotypes have never seemed so fun!

Stereotypes have never seemed so fun!

Photo by: Neal


The Last Accountant Standing - File this... under awesome!

File this... under awesome!

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2007(2) britain(9) celebrities(69) failures(22) neal funk(18) neal's fashion sense(21) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: amazing race(1) american idol(1) bbc(1) bet(1) britain's got talent(1) fox(2) last comic standing(1) simon cowell(1) so you think you can dance(2) vatican(3)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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Everybody Poops

Views: 485/8617
Added: 07/23/2009

In 1984, Bantam Books contacted George and Neal, requesting they write and illustrate a book for their Choose Your Own Adventure book line. George and Neal decided to adapt their favorite book, Everybody Poops, as a choose your own adventure book. Unfortunately, there was really only one possible ending to the book, making it somewhat of a pointless adaption.


Everybody Poops - George and Neal's favorite book. Second favorite? Most People Wipe.

George and Neal's favorite book. Second favorite? Most People Wipe.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1984(10) poop(7) publications(14)
Names Mentioned: bantam books(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Vintage Escher Architecture - For Rent

Views: 419/10494
Added: 08/11/2009

Speaking of M.C. Escher, in 1955, George and Neal once rented an apartment from him. On the plus side, the rent was very low for such a roomy place. The downside? All the faceless people. Very creepy. Also, the conflicting laws of gravity made going to the bathroom very, very complicated and often times messy.


Vintage Escher Architecture - For Rent - Reason #85 why neither George nor Neal will win "Father of the Year": telling their children the bathroom is downstairs.

Reason #85 why neither George nor Neal will win "Father of the Year": telling their children the bathroom is downstairs.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1955(2) art is art(10) celebrities(69) failures(22)
Names Mentioned: m c escher(2)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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1945, Tigers/Cubs, Game 4 of the World Series

Views: 489/16224
Added: 08/15/2009

In 1945, George and Neal decided to go to a Tigers/Cubs game - fatefully, it was Game 4 of the World Series. During the game, George complained of a strange odor. After a few innings, George became so upset by the noxious smell, he complained to P.K. Wrigley, who located a nearby patron who was attending the game with his billy goat. After asking the patron (Billy Goat Tavern owner Billy Sianis) to leave because his pet goat's odor was bothering other fans, Sianis became outraged and declared, "Them Cubs, they aren't gonna win no more," which has been interpreted to mean that there would never be another World Series game played at Wrigley Field. It has also been said by many that Sianis put a "curse" on the Cubs; if so, it was incredibly effective as the Cubs have not won a single World Series since then. (Later that evening, George located the odor, and it wasn't the goat. It was Neal. Whoops.)

While we're on the topic of the Cubs, George and Neal felt so badly for having caused a curse that led to the downfall of the Cubs Dynasty, they vowed to do all that they could to break the curse (ok, they didn't feel too bad, but the Cubs were the only baseball team they could afford to try out their awesome plan). That's why in 2020, George and Neal populated the entire Cubs team with many versions of themselves taken from different timelines. The Neals and Georges trained for many months, to get in peak physical condition. Given George and Neal's skills (including their self-professed and much doubted sexual prowess), the people of Chicago, nay, the world, were filled with hope and excitement. People also thought Waterworld and the Postman would be good movies. People are idiots. George and Neal's first game resulted in the injuries of numerous Georges and Neals, and a score of 75-1. (They got one run during the inning that the pitcher kept beaming them in the head for fun.) Consequently, that was the first and last game George and Neal ever played as Cubs. The next day the owners (who happened to be the real Neal and George for that time) fired all the other Neals and Georges and rehired all the original players. Interestingly enough, that devastating loss was not the Cubs' worst defeat. They lost by bigger margins three more times that season despite Neal and George no longer playing. Chalk it up to bad managing (the George and Neal managers were fired at the end of the season).


Even We Couldn't Help the Cubs - Above: the most handsome baseball team ever. They were known as the "Lovable, handsome, amazingly bodacious losers."

Above: the most handsome baseball team ever. They were known as the "Lovable, handsome, amazingly bodacious losers."

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1945(2) 2020(5) chicago(10) cubs(2) failures(22) george's fashion sense(13) historic events(18) neal funk(18) neal's fashion sense(21) oops(16) sports(24)
Names Mentioned: billy goat tavern(1) billy sianis(1) chicago(14) chicago cubs(2) detroit tigers(1) p k wrigley(1) the postman(1) waterworld(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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An end to worldwide tortoise hunger!

Views: 422/8452
Added: 08/19/2009

In 2008, George and Neal became extremely productive after discovering they could use their time machine to sleep 9 hours each night, while only really "wasting" one hour. They would sleep from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m., wake up, go back in time to 10 p.m., sleep an hour, and then do the same thing 7 more times each night. This allowed them to increase their philanthropic activities to a far greater extent. For example, George and Neal successfully put an end to worldwide tortoise hunger just weeks after instituting their "No Sleep" routine. (Of course, they are now aging 33% faster than normal humans... but that's okay, because someday they plan to go back in time to 2008 and give their younger selves the knowledge gained during the "No Sleep" period. That way, the younger Neal and George can sleep the full 9 hours, while still accomplishing just as much. Pretty sneaky, sis!)


An end to worldwide tortoise hunger! - Another tragedy averted.

Another tragedy averted.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2008(6) time machine(37) turtles & tortoises(3)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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I Dare You!

Views: 590/16177
Added: 08/25/2009

On September 6, 2010, George and Neal initiated a series of dares, each more shocking than the last. It started innocently enough, when George dared Neal to eat a live worm (not knowing that Neal had done this for free in the past, on a number of occasions). Neal then dared George to go back in time and dress like a woman at a number of milestones in his life.


I Dare You! - Although there were those who thought George was the bride, it was still a beautiful ceremony. George decided to keep the toaster that he received; the newlyweds didn't seem to mind.

Although there were those who thought George was the bride, it was still a beautiful ceremony. George decided to keep the toaster that he received; the newlyweds didn't seem to mind.

Photo by: Neal

After George went to numerous weddings, funerals, birthday parties, circumcisions, etc. dressed as a woman, George then dared Neal to not be witty, funny and/or suave for one day. (Neal of course could not do so - his awesomeness is by instinct not design). After trying (and failing) not to be awesome, Neal then dared George to erase Dan Ackroyd's entire existence. George did so with ease and great pleasure. Of course, George had to find someone to fill in the now Ackroyd-less roles...


Dan Ack-who? - Now George's come-on, "Hey baby, wanna see my proton pack?" makes sense.

Now George's come-on, "Hey baby, wanna see my proton pack?" makes sense.

Photo by: Neal

The dares continued, each more fantastic than the last, which all culminated somehow in Neal thinking he could take on Muhammad Ali in his prime. Six concussions later, he discovered he could not. Neal would have continued the dare contest, but after multiple blows to the skull, he forgot all about the contest and for some reason instead decided to be a divorce attorney. George was satisfied, believing that somehow this meant he won the contest.


Neal vs Cassius Clay - Funny, Neal doesn't remember this at all. (George, on the other hand, remembers it very, very clearly, having profited immensely from all the shirts, DVDs, postcards, "Happy Birthday, Grandma" birthday cards, toilet paper, penile enlargement packs, and other products he sold bearing this image. Thanks George.)

Funny, Neal doesn't remember this at all. (George, on the other hand, remembers it very, very clearly, having profited immensely from all the shirts, DVDs, postcards, "Happy Birthday, Grandma" birthday cards, toilet paper, penile enlargement packs, and other products he sold bearing this image. Thanks George.)

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2010(16) business ventures(46) celebrities(69) competition(10) food(45) George's Fashion Sense(13) movies(41) ouch! that'll leave a mark(13)
Names Mentioned: cassius clay(1) dan ackroyd(1) ghost busters(1) muhammad ali(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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There's Waldo!!!

Views: 531/10819
Added: 09/04/2009

In 1998, Neal became overwhelmingly frustrated when he tried to crack the mysteries of the complex literary tome, "Where's Waldo?" After a near-breakdown, George decided to help his friend, as well as the public at large, by publishing "There's Waldo, Right Freakin' There". It became an overnight sensation, quickly selling out multiple editions and translated into 58 languages (Though, other than the title, there wasn't much to translate). George and Neal are set to publish their next traumatic/educational book, "Where in the Morgue is Carmen Sandiego?"


There's Waldo!!! - Even so, it took Neal about 35 minutes to find Waldo.

Even so, it took Neal about 35 minutes to find Waldo.

Photo by: Neal


Where in the Morgue is Carmen Sandiego? - Described as "more disturbing than Hostel 2", this game was banned in most language-speaking countries. Despite this, George and Neal have decided to continue working on their next project, "The Magic School Bus: Field Trip to the Abattoir".

Described as "more disturbing than Hostel 2", this game was banned in most language-speaking countries. Despite this, George and Neal have decided to continue working on their next project, "The Magic School Bus: Field Trip to the Abattoir".

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1998(9) education(9) games(15) languages(11) mental trauma(8) publications(14) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: the magic school bus(1) where in the world is carmen sandiego(1) where's waldo(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (2)

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Harold and the Purple Crayon: Harold Discovers the Female Anatomy

Views: 1064/8278
Added: 09/13/2009

In 2004, George and Neal publish their educational children's book, "Harold and the Purple Crayon: Harold Discovers the Female Anatomy". The book was a hit, especially in the "Males, ages 13-18" demographic. There was much praise. And lawsuits. Lots and lots of those.


Harold and the Purple Crayon: Harold Discovers the Female Anatomy - Above: Mandatory curriculum in President Obama's Education Recovery Effort.

Above: Mandatory curriculum in President Obama's Education Recovery Effort.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2004(3) education(9) lawsuits(13) obama(4) publications(14) success!(13)
Names Mentioned: barack obama(4) harold and the purple crayon(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Bob, I miss my testicles, you jerk!

Views: 467/10329
Added: 09/28/2009

In 1988, George and Neal created cats and dogs with opposable thumbs and above-average intellects. Everyone was thrilled with the evolutionary jump - well, everyone except Bob Barker, who received copious amounts of angry letters from the critters. George and Neal's favorites include: "Hey Bob Barker - Screw you! Love, Cats & Dogs"; "Bob, I miss my testicles, you jerk! - Fido" and "Barker, YOUR balls are MINE!" Many animal activists have sided with the animals, calling for Bob Barker to be neutered. Gerbils, parakeets, and a number of other household pets have refused to take sides.

Tags: 1988(6) body parts(14) cats(8) celebrities(69) save the aminals(7)
Names Mentioned: bob barker(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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On Online Dating

Views: 437/13412
Added: 10/04/2009

After the success of online dating websites such as "Eharmony" and "J-Date" (a social/dating website for Jewish people), George and Neal created their own dating websites, including:

- "Hey-Hey-Hey" Date, the world's largest singles network for those people who like the character Dwayne Clemens Nelson from the now-defunct television sitcom, "What's Happening!!";
- L-Harmony - the singles network for Lepers; and
-, the dating website devoted entirely to newly-turned zombies.

Although each was quite successful for a period of time, only withstood the tests of time. Although Neal and George are not zombies, they occasionally log on time with the site. You can find Neal and George under their respective pseudonyms, "Grauh?" and "Dr. Teeth".


On Online Dating - Meat someone with similar tastes as you, or your neighbor, or the neighbor's dog...

Meat someone with similar tastes as you, or your neighbor, or the neighbor's dog...

Photo by: George

Tags: diseases(9) jewish(6) nicknames(14) relationships(6) tv shows(49) websites(7) zombies(21)
Names Mentioned: dwayne clemens nelson(1) eharmony(1) j-date(1) what's happening(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: George (1)

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Search Engine Search Engine (no, we didn't stutter)

Views: 429/11619
Added: 10/10/2009

By 2040, the number of internet search engines were so voluminous and staggering (including Infoseek, Lycos, Yahoo, Google, Magellan, AltaVista, Ask Jeeves,, Goodsearch, SearchMe, and 150 million others) that George and Neal started their own search engine, which conveniently enough searched for other search engines.

Tags: 2040(4) business ventures(46) inventions(49) websites(7)
Names Mentioned: altavista(1) ask jeeves(1) goodsearch(1) google(1) infoseek(1) lycos(1) magellan(1) searchme(1) yahoo(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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Horton Hears A Gremlin

Views: 599/12961
Added: 12/02/2009

In the early 2000's, George and Neal were hired by FOX studios to pitch movie ideas. Given their many adventures, you'd think they would have a wealth of ideas for hit movies. As it turns out, they did not. Instead, George and Neal decided to follow the example made by the immensely financially successful "Aliens Versus Predators (AVP)" (e.g. lazily combining two movie properties together rather than coming up with actual cogent ideas). Neal and George started combining movie properties in hopes of creating blockbusters. It worked - they made a fortune producing such memorable hits as "Horton Hears A Gremlin," "That was Then, This is Apocalypse Now!", "The Wizard of Blade Runner", and "Aliens versus Peanuts". Thereafter, they tried to branch out into making other types of movies, but had little success. After creating "The Entirely Ending Story", they called it a day.


Horton Hears A Gremlin - Though the movie holds an 86% on, the novelization is far superior, as it includes emotionally resonant subtext completely absent in the movie.

Though the movie holds an 86% on, the novelization is far superior, as it includes emotionally resonant subtext completely absent in the movie.

Photo by: Neal


Aliens versus Peanuts - The kids made fun of Linus constantly, but at least the Great Pumpkin didn't have two sets of teeth and an appetite for human flesh.

The kids made fun of Linus constantly, but at least the Great Pumpkin didn't have two sets of teeth and an appetite for human flesh.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2000s(2) art is art(10) mashups(12) movies(41) peanuts(6)
Names Mentioned: alien(2) alien vs predator(2) apocalypse now(1) blade runner(1) charlie brown(3) dr. seuss(2) fox(2) gremlins(1) horton hears a who(1) linus(1) neverending story(2) peanuts(1) that was then this is now(1) wizard of oz(3)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (2)

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Everything is About George

Views: 627/10372
Added: 08/09/2010

After a heated debate with his wife where she stated, "Everything is not always about you, George!", George went back in time (just prior to the beginning of that conversation), and invented a ray that temporarily made it so that anything and everything that anyone talked about was all about George. Luckily, the effects wore off, but not without any consequences; there was one side effect - it turns out that prior to that moment, the name George had never existed, and the ray caused people to believe many of their important historical icons were named George. For example, George Washington was originally named "Melvin Washington"; George Takei was (coincidentally) named "Sulu Takei"; and George Jaros was originally "Bagrat Jaros".

Tags: nicknames(14) people of history(33) time machine(37) wives(15)
Names Mentioned: george takei(1) george washington(3)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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The Idiots Guide To Circumcision

Views: 406/7842
Added: 08/24/2012

In 1995, George and Neal published the first ever "Idiots Guide To..." book under the pseudonyms "Astronauts Thomas D. Jones, Ph.D. and Michael Benson", respectively. Unfortunately, it was only after printing 10,000 copies that they realized there was little market for The Idiots Guide To Circumcision. (That there were "full color illustrations" did not improve sales.)


The Idiots Guide To Circumcision - Upon reflection, we probably shouldn't have included a "Tips" section in each chapter.

Upon reflection, we probably shouldn't have included a "Tips" section in each chapter.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: jewish(6) nicknames(14) publications(14)
Names Mentioned: complete idiot's guide(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Chronal Warriors George

Views: 525/10535
Added: 09/01/2012

With the success of Hasbro's Transformers and G.I. Joe toy lines, rival toy company Tonka sought to create their own action figure toy lines. After achieving limited success with the Gobots, in 1985, Tonka execs approached George and Neal in an effort to cash in on their fame. The toy line was an immediate success, and such figures as "Kung Fu Grip George" and "Nasal Drip Neal" sold like hot cakes.


Chronal Warriors George - This limited edition George figure sells for more today than your child's entire college education. Either is just as likely to get your kid a job in this economy.

This limited edition George figure sells for more today than your child's entire college education. Either is just as likely to get your kid a job in this economy.

Photo by: Neal


Chronal Warriors Neal - Tonka's 15th generation toy line included this toy, "Library Attending Neal."

Tonka's 15th generation toy line included this toy, "Library Attending Neal."

Photo by: Neal


Grabbin' my Neal and George - Still from the CLIO award-winning but unfortunately titled commercial, "Grabbin' my Neal and George".

Still from the CLIO award-winning but unfortunately titled commercial, "Grabbin' my Neal and George".

Photo by: Neal

The toy line made George and Neal oodles of money. George was just happy that now when Neal played with himself in public, it wasn't so controversial.

Tags: 1985(4) action figures(2) business ventures(46) economy(8) nicknames(14) toys(3)
Names Mentioned: clio awards(1) g i joe(1) gobots(1) hasbro(1) tonka(1) transformers(2)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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Clint Ain't Wacko!

Views: 486/17559
Added: 09/09/2012

In August 2012, Clint Eastwood was thought to have embarrassed himself at the Republican National Convention by pretending to argue with an invisible President Obama, when in actuality he was merely talking with an empty chair. Most of the world cut him some slack when they realized that not six months earlier, Eastwood participated in the famous "Eastwood / Invisible Neal" debates, ironically emceed by a very visible Obama. You couldn't blame the guy for later getting slightly confused.


Clint Ain't Wacko! - Despite being invisible, Neal frustrated many by continually asking how his hair was.

Despite being invisible, Neal frustrated many by continually asking how his hair was.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2012(14) celebrities(69) discombobulation(4) neal's fashion sense(21) obama(4) politics(9)
Names Mentioned: barack obama(4) clint eastwood(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Jaros/Simon 2016 vs Simon/Jaros 2016

Views: 652/16011
Added: 10/18/2012

Exhausted with the mean-spirited nature of recent presidential elections as well as the inability of presidents to follow through on campaign promises, George and Neal decided to run for president in 2016. Problems quickly arose when the two could not agree which one would run as President and which one would be relegated to the position of Vice-President. They decided to let the public decide, by using the time machine to run both a Jaros/Simon campaign AND a Simon/Jaros campaign.


Jaros/Simon 2016 vs Simon/Jaros 2016 -


Jaros/Simon 2016 vs Simon/Jaros 2016 - These pins are considered extremely rare and valuable (by the insane).

These pins are considered extremely rare and valuable (by the insane).

Photo by: Neal

It became very confusing when Neal debated George during the Presidential debate, followed by Neal debating George during the Vice-Presidential debate.


2016 Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates - Neal's constant mugging was as arousing as it was distracting.

Neal's constant mugging was as arousing as it was distracting.

Photo by: Neal

Their seemingly infallible plan to hold the highest office backfired, as exactly 49.5% of the voters cast their ballots for the Jaros/Simon combo, and exactly 49.5% of voters cast their ballots for the Simon/Jaros combo. Due to an obscure law that George and Neal unfortunately passed during their three day reign in 1943, the winner was determined by the remaining 1%, which voted as follows: 15% for Ross Perot, 10% for Harrison Ford (thinking he did a wonderful job in the Air Force One movie), 20% for Peter J. Oberweis (running on a "ice cream shall be mandated a vegetable" platform), 25% for Howard the Duck, and the remaining votes went to the winner and write-in candidate, Ralph Nader. Ironically, Nader declined the position. This explains how, for 4 years, the leader of the free world was almost a duck. (Thank goodness ducks were outlawed in 1776.) This also explains why, in 2018 ice cream was declared a vegetable.

Tags: 1776(2) 1943(2) 2016(8) celebrities(69) competition(10) ducks(3) government(16) laws(10) movies(41) politics(9)
Names Mentioned: air force one(1) harrison ford(1) howard the duck(1) peter j. oberweis(1) ralph nader(1) ross perot(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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What happens in Ancient Greece stays in Ancient Greece.

Views: 540/24225
Added: 10/20/2012

Tired of caring for three children (yes, George, that includes you), Julie recruited Clarissa to go on a time traveling "ladies only" vacation. While the women were gone, George and Neal successfully fended for themselves and the kids, subsisting on a diet of ramen noodles and old fritos they found in couch cushions. Though neither George nor Neal nor the children changed their clothes during the entire time Clarissa and Julie were gone (7 days or 4,000 years depending on how you view time travel), the capable fathers made a game of it. Adin won 1st prize in "Who's That Smell?", an amateur game that George and Neal made up (which they later sold to the CNN network in 3014 - as at that time CNN ceased being a news network and reformed as a pornography / sitcom network). Meanwhile, Clarissa and Julie traveled to Ancient Greece, because Clarissa loves Greek food. Ironically, she felt that the food there didn't compare with the Greek food of 2012. Go figure. Upon their return, Julie and Clarissa refused to tell George and Neal what happened during their stay (because as we know, what happens in Ancient Greece stays in Ancient Greece). Still, Julie and Clarissa must have had some trip, as now all depictions of the Greek Gods Hera and Aphrodite look exactly like them.


What happens in Ancient Greece stays in Ancient Greece. - This picture was the inspiration for both the 12 hour clock, and erotic cakes. I'm not really sure how that last one relates, but, eh, there you go.

This picture was the inspiration for both the 12 hour clock, and erotic cakes. I'm not really sure how that last one relates, but, eh, there you go.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2012(14) 3014(2) clarissa(6) food(45) games(15) george funk(11) gimme a break(5) julie(5) neal funk(18) offspring(13) time machine(37) tv shows(49) wives(15) xxx(11)
Names Mentioned: aphrodite(1) cnn(2) greece(2) hera(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Where did 'C' go?

Views: 444/7817
Added: 10/22/2012

Unfortunately, sometimes George and Neal's time (mis)adventures cause unforeseeable consequences. For example, in 1978, the letter/sound "c" was eliminated. As a result, people drove ars, threw things using the atapult and Neal's wife was renamed "larissa". She was not amused. Neal later fixed this anomaly, but not before his wife became so angry she called him an unt.

Tags: 1978(5) languages(11) oops(16)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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Luckily for cats, this was a very short period.

Views: 482/8577
Added: 02/11/2013

During the brief period where George and Neal were not awesome (see, they invented Cat Baseball. It... did not end well.


Luckily for cats, this was a very short period. - Gerbil Football proved much more popular.

Gerbil Football proved much more popular.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: baseball(1) cats(8) cute(2) failures(22) sports(24) websites(7)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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They like us, they REALLY like us!

Views: 388/11830
Added: 03/23/2013

Somehow, a tribute video was found in 1035 A.D. Weird... The video is a collection of photos from some of George and Neal's greatest achievements, set to a song that sounds remarkably like Sarah McLachlan's "I Will Remember You". Awwww, how touching... (Eeew, get your hands off!) 1035 A. D.? We KNEW Sarah McLachlan ripped that song off of somebody. Strange, her version sounds almost exactly the same as the one from almost 1000 years ago! And gee, whoever did that song sure misses us. We should probably go back and visit.


1035 A.D.!!!
No video? Visit:

Tags: 1035(1) awards and recognition(12) celebrities(69) movies(41) music(26) videos(1)
Names Mentioned: Sarah McLachlan(1)
Entry Logged By: George & Neal Collaboration - Photos by: George & Neal Collaboration (1)

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Swingin' Records!

Views: 559/18417
Added: 04/19/2013

In 2016, George and Neal turned their attention to songwriting. They ghost-wrote a string of musical hits, including "We Built This City" by Starship (1985), "Who Let the Dogs Out?" by Baha Boys (2000), and "(You're) Having My Baby" by Paul Anka (1974). Their songs were all chart-topping, yet widely held as the worst songs ever made. (For a full list of their super-popular, super-terrible songs, see

Prompted by their musical success, George and Neal released their own record, George and Neal Get Aural. Some people say the music was misunderstood, because it was way ahead of its time; but some people are idiots. The music was atrocious. The album was released on January 6, 1953. One day later, President Truman announced that the US developed the Hydrogen Bomb. George and Neal believe this to be no coincidence, and was in direct response to their album's release. Nevertheless, the album spawned three hit singles, "The Ballad of Clem (Who?)", "Misplaced Coinpurse", and "Party Like It's 1234 B.C." (the latter forming the basis for George and Neal's lawsuit against Prince for his song "Party Like It's 1999" despite the fact that they wrote the song in 2016 (well after Prince released his song) but released it in 1953.)


Swingin' Records! - Sorry, girls, they're married.

Sorry, girls, they're married.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1953(1) 1974(6) 1985(4) 2000(7) 2016(8) best album ever(1) celebrities(69) chart topping(4) get aural(2) great music(4) hot tunes(2) lawsuits(13) music(26) our bands(9) party like its 1999(2) record(1) trippy(1) we built this city on rock and roll(3) who let the dogs out(2) you're having my baby(1)
Names Mentioned: Baha Boys(2) jefferson starship(1) paul anka(1) president truman(2) prince(4) starship(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Presidential Fight Club

Views: 528/7875
Added: 08/23/2013

In 1947, Neal convinced Governor Thomas E. Dewey not to run for president, but rather to run as Neal's Vice President. George, hearing of this, was insulted Neal did not ask him to run as Neal's VP. In retaliation, George convinced Harry Truman to run as his vice president. On November 3, 1948, it was reported that Neal crushed George in election.


Presidential Fight Club - As it should be.

As it should be.

Photo by: Neal

Refusing to give up, George went back in time, rigged the election, and won.


The Jaros Strikes Back - A sad day in American history.

A sad day in American history.

Photo by: Neal

Hypocritically upset by George's misuse of time travel, Neal traveled back in time to stop George. This result? The most violent fight ever between presidential candidates (if you ignore the fight club secretly established by Nixon and Kennedy)


Paradoxes are Fun and Arousing - You have nothing to fear, except Nixon's left fist.

You have nothing to fear, except Nixon's left fist.

Photo by: Neal

The whole thing really degraded into Neal and George revising the election's history hundreds and hundreds of times. Terrible, horrible things happen. Up became left. Light became pudding. Below is but one confusing and dark example:


The Darkest Timeline - The Chicago Sun Times had the same title, but the caption read, "Nom nom nom!"  You'd think one of them would be more professional about the whole thing.

The Chicago Sun Times had the same title, but the caption read, "Nom nom nom!" You'd think one of them would be more professional about the whole thing.

Photo by: Neal

Finally, they agreed to let history correct itself - except that it didn't, really. In this timeline, now Truman beats Dewey.

That's right, folks. In the original, correct timeline, Dewey won.

(Sorry about that, Dewey.).

Tags: cap'n crunch has nothing to do with this entry(1) governor dewey(1) president truman(1) presidential fight club(1) the dewey show(1) time paradoxes are fun(4)
Names Mentioned: governor dewey(1) president truman(2)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (4)

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The Extreme-est of Makeovers

Views: 423/7628
Added: 09/30/2013

Tired of trying to do fifteen things at once but failing miserably (well, failing miserably at four, failing happily at six, performing moderately at nine, and skillfully completing three tasks - wait, is my math correct? Uh... I'm not good at non-Jarmonorgeal math) George took steps to improve his multi-tasking. In so doing, he also wound up creating another hit TV show (see, even when he's not multi-tasking, he is!). The result? The Learning Network's "Really Really Really Extreme Makeover." George had them add two extra hands, an extra head (sorry, Julie), and other things I really don't feel comfortable talking about (really sorry, Julie). Aside from having to get all his shirts tailored, George was happy with the results.


The Extreme-est of Makeovers - Shortly after this photo was taken, George covered the song, "Two Heads Are Better Than One" (from the Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure soundtrack - how's that for obscure?), failing to understand the fairly obvious inappropriate nature of the song.

Shortly after this photo was taken, George covered the song, "Two Heads Are Better Than One" (from the Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure soundtrack - how's that for obscure?), failing to understand the fairly obvious inappropriate nature of the song.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: chicken nuggets are yummy - that's not really relevant but it's still true(1) extreme makeover(2) reasons julie weeps(2) two heads are only slightly better than one(2)
Names Mentioned: bill s. preston esq.(1) Ted "Theodore" Logan(1) ted 'theodore' logan(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Hair Raising Adventure

Views: 467/9019
Added: 11/21/2013

George and Neal are heavily involved in charity work. For example, during November 1990, they both participated in "No Shave November" (a.k.a. Movember). Wisely, they went from century to century, building a pledge base that spanned hundreds of years and millions of dollars. George and Neal gave the money they raised to their favorite charity, which coincidentally happened to be "Mustaches For Kids", a charity dedicated to.... well, it's pretty self explanatory. As a result of their donation, children across the globe can now grow rich, luxurious facial hair at an alarming (and stylish) rate.


Hair Raising Adventure - Facial hair or no, cute kids, amiright?  It was so fortunate to catch the boys together between one of Sam's fishing trips and Mike's takeover of Stark Industries.

Facial hair or no, cute kids, amiright? It was so fortunate to catch the boys together between one of Sam's fishing trips and Mike's takeover of Stark Industries.

Photo by: Neal - Caption by: George & Neal Collaboration


 - After growing this, Ayla had an unexplainable desire to tie helpless women up and leave them on train tracks, so that some superhero could save them at the last minute.

After growing this, Ayla had an unexplainable desire to tie helpless women up and leave them on train tracks, so that some superhero could save them at the last minute.

Photo by: Neal


 - Since growing this, Adin has been offered four professor positions at well-respected colleges.  Little do most people know, that's all you really need.

Since growing this, Adin has been offered four professor positions at well-respected colleges. Little do most people know, that's all you really need.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: charity(1) kids with beards(1) kids with mustaches(1) movember(1) no shave november(2) november 1990(1) november 2013(1) zz top's favorite charity(1)
Names Mentioned: zz top(2)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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Books Change Lives (In Terribly Manipulative Ways)!

Views: 814/11413
Added: 04/11/2014

In 1957, scientists discovered that children were suffering from extremely low self-esteem. To combat this, George and Neal created an award-winning series of books that sought to increase kids’ self esteem. Unfortunately, this plan backfired as by 2032, children everywhere had too much self-esteem, resulting in every child refusing to learn, do their chores, and even bathe (“Pshaw,” kids would say, “I smell just fine.”). Attempting to reverse the effect of their books, George and Neal wrote a separate series of books aimed at reducing self esteem (including, “Mommy Will Love You Forever, Unless…”; “Accidents Happen and You Are Proof!”; “Daddy’s Porsche (And Other Things We Could Have Afforded If We Didn’t Have You)”; “Nightmares Happen When God is Mad at You”; and “Let’s Buy Your Cemetery Plot (Because You'll Die Someday”). People are divided over whether these books caused the collapse of civilization in 6142.


Books Change Lives (In Terribly Manipulative Ways)! - It's nice that Neal got to pass on wisdom his father told him as a child.

It's nice that Neal got to pass on wisdom his father told him as a child.

Photo by: Neal


 - Pictured Above: Optimism.

Pictured Above: Optimism.

Photo by: Neal


 - Pictured Above: Unconditional Love.

Pictured Above: Unconditional Love.

Photo by: Neal - Caption by: George

Tags: 1957(1) 2032(2) 6142(1) award-winning(1) collapse of civilization(3) daddy's porsche(1) god is mad at you(1) nightmares(2) purchase a cemetery plot(1) self-esteem(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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Mmmm.... Gluten...

Views: 411/5868
Added: 01/04/2016

In 2010, George and Neal created a line of delicious, gluten-free food for those with gluten sensitivities. The food line was a gigantic hit for hundreds of years. As a result, however, George and Neal amassed large stockpiles of gluten which they had just lying around. This turned out to be quite fortunate, since in 2347, people started developing anti-gluten sensitivities, requiring them to eat foods with massive amounts of gluten. George and Neal’s Bag of Gluten was as popular as it was gross.


Mmmm....  Gluten... - Apparently, Nambia’s standards for gluten production is world-class.

Apparently, Nambia’s standards for gluten production is world-class.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2010(16) 2347(1) celiac disease(1) diet(1) gluten(1) gluten-free(1) gross(1) sensitivities(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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