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Search Engine Search Engine (no, we didn't stutter)

Entry Logged on: October 10, 2009 to Part 3 by: Neal
Page Views: 368 - Times Displayed: 10703

By 2040, the number of internet search engines were so voluminous and staggering (including Infoseek, Lycos, Yahoo, Google, Magellan, AltaVista, Ask Jeeves,, Goodsearch, SearchMe, and 150 million others) that George and Neal started their own search engine, which conveniently enough searched for other search engines.

Tags: 2040(4) business ventures(46) inventions(49) websites(7)
Names Mentioned: altavista(1) ask jeeves(1) goodsearch(1) google(1) infoseek(1) lycos(1) magellan(1) searchme(1) yahoo(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: altavista(1), ask jeeves(1),, goodsearch(1), google(1), infoseek(1), lycos(1), magellan(1), searchme(1), yahoo(1)

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