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'1982' Tagged Entries

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From the generic

Views: 878/19651
Added: 02/09/2009

From the generic "How Do You Know" fields:

Lived together?
You lived in Sin in 1998.
You lived in a van down by the river (but we swear nothing steamy happened) from 2004 to 2009.
You lived in inside the underbelly of a Tauntaun - more romantic than it sounds! from 1983 to 1984.

Worked together?
You worked at Wells and Wacker. Lower Wacker. That's a lot of Wacking. from 1981 to 1987.
You worked as Roadies (and, sadly, groupies) for the Lichtensteinian Goth Country band Doublewide Despair from 2001 to 2002.
You worked at C&C Roadside Carnival and Freak Show / Supermarket from 1995 to 1997.

From an organization, team or group?
You were members of Sumatran League of Confused Warlords in 1984.
You were members of Organizers of ThimbleCon 2008 - man, we love thimbles! from 1982 to 1997.
You were members of International Association of Rhubarb Farmers (who are diametrically opposed to those nasty Beet Farmers! [But not opposed to the Beat Farmers curiously enough]) from 1979 to 1984.

Went to school together?
You went to preschool with Neal.

Traveled together?
You traveled to sun bathing and swimming in Greenland for the bicentennial celebration of the Wooly Horse Festival in the winter of 2003.
You traveled to Panama for the annual Panama Canal Sled Dog/Doggy Paddle 500 biathlon in the summer of 2003.
You traveled to Djibuti, Qatar, Suriname, Guinea-Bissau, Moldova, Atlantis, Asgard, Metropolis, Kyrgyzstan... well, really, where DIDN'T we go? in the summer of 1980.

In my family?
George is Neal's father.

Through a friend?
You know Neal through Nicholas Exner (UIllinois).

Yes, but not each other.

You met in 1981:

Tags: 1979(3) 1980(4) 1981(4) 1982(5) 1983(6) 1984(10) 1987(7) 1995(2) 1997(6) 1998(9) 2001(8) 2002(1) 2003(3) 2004(3) 2009(21) friends mentioned(4) our bands(9) relationships(6) rhubarb(4) star wars(7) thimblecon(2)
Names Mentioned: asgard(1) atlantis(1) beat farmers(1) chicago(14) djibuti(1) greenland(2) guinea-bissau(1) kyrgyzstan(1) lichtenstein(1) metropolis(1) moldova(1) nicholas exner(1) panama(1) qatar(1) star wars(7) sumatra(1) suriname(1) university of illinois(5)
Entry Logged By: George & Neal Collaboration

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Great Organization Over Development of the Global Relief of Idiocy Effort

Views: 607/4085
Added: 03/21/2009

In 1978 George and Neal received the Nobel Peace Prize for their work for the Great Organization Over Development of the Global Relief of Idiocy Effort (GOOD GRIEF). In the span of three short years they managed to provide safe, secure environments for 90% of the world's idiots where they could live and breed without affecting the rest of society. Unfortunately the organization was disbanded in 1982 without George and Neal's consent. Today idiots have infiltrated every aspect of life and work everywhere from the local Wal-Mart to the top reaches of world governments and corporations.

Tags: 1978(5) 1982(5) awards and recognition(12) organizations(15)
Names Mentioned: nobel peace prize(2) wal-mart(1)
Entry Logged By: George

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Just Good Ol' Boys

Views: 392/8694
Added: 04/16/2009

In 1982 Neal and George played the roles of Coy and Vance respectively when John Schneider and Tom Wopat (Bo and Luke) walked off the set of the Dukes of Hazzard due to salary and royalty disputes. Coy and Vance's appearance was a huge hit with fans of the show and as a result of their success they demanded an unbelievable salary to reprise their roles of Coy and Vance Duke the following season. Unfortunately the producers couldn't afford the high price associated with Neal and George's infamy and the terms Schneider and Wopat were asking for suddenly looked more affordable. Thus Bo and Luke returned for the remainder of the show's run.


Just Good Ol' Boys - In addition to the outrageous sums of money Neal and George were demanding, the network just couldn't justify changing the name of the General Lee. They don't know what they were missing...

In addition to the outrageous sums of money Neal and George were demanding, the network just couldn't justify changing the name of the General Lee. They don't know what they were missing...

Photo by: George

Tags: 1982(5) celebrities(69) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: bo duke(1) coy duke(1) dukes of hazzard(1) general lee(1) john schneider(1) luke duke(1) tom wopat(1) vance duke(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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Fingers of Doom!: the Helen Keller Story

Views: 750/10574
Added: 05/16/2009

In 1982, Neal and George wrote, produced, and starred in the off-Broadway musical, "Fingers of Doom!: the Helen Keller Story." The play, which had an all-ninja cast, was a rousing success. The musical ended up winning two Tony's and garnered such praise as:

"The whimsical comedy is packed with clever ideas and has an engaging cast to bring these cartoonish figures to life..." - San Diego Times

" cerebral as it is emotional." - D. Braunagel

"Hits you like a sledgehammer with its astounding, stunningly creepy presentation... Two Thumbs Up!" - R. Ebert

The Helen Keller musical was later adapted as a video game, originally titled "Helen Keller Will Destroy You!" but was subsequently retitled "Mortal Kombat." The video game was also successful, though it lacked the political subtext of the play, as well as the original final boss Helen "The Killer" Keller.


Fingers of Doom!: the Helen Keller Story - It was an instant classic...

It was an instant classic...

Photo by: George

Tags: 1982(5) people of history(33) theater(8) video games(12)
Names Mentioned: broadway(3) don braunagel(1) helen keller(1) mortal kombat(1) roger ebert(1) san diego(1) tony awards(1)
Entry Logged By: George & Neal Collaboration - Photos by: George (1)

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It's Magically Disgusting!

Views: 491/16241
Added: 11/30/2013

On April 12, 2012, the matching game, Candy Crush, was released on Facebook. Less than one year later, Candy Crush became the most popular game on Facebook, with 46 million monthly users. Most people do not realize that this is simply a rip-off of Neal's earlier 2010 game, Haggis Crush.


It's Magically Disgusting! - It was no surprise to anyone that a matching game involving an animal's stomach (containing a sheep's heart, liver and lungs, minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt) would be so much fun!

It was no surprise to anyone that a matching game involving an animal's stomach (containing a sheep's heart, liver and lungs, minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt) would be so much fun!

Photo by: Neal

Neal was very upset by this blatant copy, until George reminded him that both Haggis and Candy Crush were obvious rip-offs of George's 1982 Coleco game, Orange Crush Crush.


 - All the excitement of a trash compactor, in 8-bit glory!

All the excitement of a trash compactor, in 8-bit glory!

Photo by: Neal

Given that the boys already made a hefty sum from their Bejeweled rip-off, Vajazzled, the boys just let this one go. (Editor's Note: As of July 2013, it has been estimated that Candy Crush Saga earns $633,000 per day in the US section of the iOS App Store alone. So, perhaps this was the wrong one to "let go".)

Tags: $633k per day is proof we are all idiots(1) 1982(5) 2010(16) 2012(14) bejeweled(1) best colecovision game ever(1) candy crush(3) facebook(10) haggis crush(1) i first typed ios app sore and that made me laugh for some reason(1) ios app store(1) orange crush crush(1) rip-offs(3) the simpsons already did it(1) vajazzled(3)
Names Mentioned: bejeweled(1) candy crush(1) coleco(1) colecovision(1) facebook(9) ios store(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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