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Monuments to Greatness

Views: 744/6315
Added: 05/11/2009

Gutzon Borglum originally had six faces carved on Mount Rushmore. The busts of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abe Lincoln were flanked by Neal Simon (next to Washington) and George Jaros (next to Lincoln) to honor us for our countless contributions to human civilization. However, a freak thunderstorm in 1968 caused the faces of George and Neal to fall off the monument.


Monuments to Greatness - The original Mount Rushmore.

The original Mount Rushmore.

Photo by: George

A new monument nearby has been in the works for quite a while. Its developmental codename is the "Crazy Horse Memorial", but will most likely be released with a final name of "Jar-mon Mountain" or something similar.


Jar-mon Mountain - The in-progress Crazy Horse Monument and a model of what the finished sculpture will look like.

The in-progress Crazy Horse Monument and a model of what the finished sculpture will look like.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1968(4) art is art(10) awards and recognition(12) people of history(33)
Names Mentioned: abraham lincoln(2) crazy horse memorial(1) george washington(3) gutzon borglum(1) mount rushmore(1) teddy roosevelt(1) thomas jefferson(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (2)

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Bob Ross: The Origin

Views: 577/10239
Added: 07/10/2009

In 1968 George and Neal trained a kitten to paint. That kitten in turn trained Bob Ross to paint. Bob Ross in turn taught countless of people to paint. So thanks to Neal and George and one talented kitten there are millions of "happy little trees". Who says we don't love the environment...


Bob Ross: The Origin - For years the cat lived in Bob Ross's hair, giving advice and supplying large amounts of dopamine.

For years the cat lived in Bob Ross's hair, giving advice and supplying large amounts of dopamine.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1968(4) art is art(10) cats(8) celebrities(69) hair(12) origin(24)
Names Mentioned: bob ross(2)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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The Rolling Beatles

Views: 496/13034
Added: 08/09/2009

So very, very tired of endless "Beatles vs. Stones" arguments, in 2022, George and Neal decided to do the only logical thing to resolve the issue: go back in time and force John and Paul to join forces with Mick and Keith. Thus, the band "The Rolling Beatles" took the music scene by storm.


The Rolling Beatles - Finally... satisfaction.

Finally... satisfaction.

Photo by: Neal

The music was so astonishingly good that other musicians gave up in defeat and besides the music of the Rolling Beatles, almost no other music has been produced since 1968.... Almost. Neal and George got such a rush from combining two musical groups that they went back in time to do the same thing a few more times over. Now, instead of debating "Beatles vs. Stones", the world debates "The Rolling Beatles vs. Hammer | Hendrix." Most agree, it's a toss-up.


Hammer | Hendrix - What time is it? All Along The Watchtower, the Clock Strikes HAMMERTIME!

What time is it? All Along The Watchtower, the Clock Strikes HAMMERTIME!

Photo by: Neal

(As an aside, most agree that it's best not to acknowledge Reznor/Hanson inappropriately named collaboration, "The Nine Inch Hanson Brothers" nor the Prince/Pearl Jam collaboration, "Prince Pearl".)

Tags: 1968(4) 2022(4) beatles(3) celebrities(69) competition(10) mashups(12) music(26) our bands(9) success!(13)
Names Mentioned: beatles(4) hanson(1) jimmi hendrix(2) john lennon(1) keith richards(1) m c hammer(1) mick jaggar(1) nine inch nails(2) paul mccartney(2) pearl jam(1) prince(4) rolling stones(2) trent reznor(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (2)

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Lava Lamps: The Origin

Views: 740/12573
Added: 04/11/2014

In 1960 Neal invented the precursor to the lava lamp, affectionately called the 'Squeegee Glow Blob Light'. However in 1963 British accountant Edward Craven-Walker stole Neal's idea. Craven-Walker's variation was much more successful and in 1968 he was awarded a patent for his design, something denied Neal because Craven-Walker's lamps used a combination of mineral oil, paraffin wax, and carbon tetrachloride instead of Neal's disturbingly un-hygenic formula of sebum, ear wax, and pus. Someday we'll tell you about how George had the original idea for the Squirmle Magic Pet Worm, but we'll let you recover from the lava lamp thing first.


Lava Lamps: The Origin - It was best to not heat the Squeegee Glow Blob Light up too much.  They had a tendency to explode.  And there's nothing worse than flying shards of glass and Neal's sebum spraying all over the place.  (Also, we're not quite sure what Neal left in the bottom of this particular Squeegee Glow Blob Light, but it appears to be circumcised...)

It was best to not heat the Squeegee Glow Blob Light up too much. They had a tendency to explode. And there's nothing worse than flying shards of glass and Neal's sebum spraying all over the place. (Also, we're not quite sure what Neal left in the bottom of this particular Squeegee Glow Blob Light, but it appears to be circumcised...)

Photo by: George

Tags: 1960(1) 1963(2) 1968(4) blends(3) body parts(14) business ventures(46) first(3) inspirations(19) inventions(49) mental trauma(8) neal funk(18) people of history(33) they stole our ideas(7)
Names Mentioned: Edward Craven-Walker(1) lava lamp(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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