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Who's the Bossasaur?

Entry Logged on: April 12, 2014 to Part 4 by: George - Photos by: George (1)
Page Views: 722 - Times Displayed: 15432

In 1904, just one year after Elmer Riggs published his paper stating that Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus were the same creature, George and Neal discovered the skeleton of a brand new sauropod during an archeological dig in Turkey Creek Canyon near Morrison, Colorado. While significantly smaller than Apatosaurus, George and Neal's discovery was interesting in the fact that it appeared to be bipedal and was discovered alongside what appeared to be a petrified outfit, consisting of a vest, gloves, and even a ray gun. To add to people's confusion they decided to name their new discovery "Brontosaurus II", or, more affectionately, Bronto Thunder. Over the next few years they discovered a wide range of heavily armed, bipedal dinosaur fossils. These discoveries were largely ignored (and openly ridiculed) by the scientific community, even though George and Neal used their time machine to travel back to 78,000,543 BCE to learn more about these fascinating creatures, bring them back to the present day, and join them on all sorts of wacky adventures. Finally, in 1987 The Coca-Cola Company took notice of George and Neal's publications in Paleontology Today, and decided to animate the adventures. Dinosaucers aired for one season in 1987 and 1988, adding to The Coca-Cola Company's list of '80s achievements, which also included New Coke (aka Coke II), Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, and Coca-Cola Telecommunications.


Who's the Bossasaur? - Coca-Cola Communications insisted on including Clem (on the left) in the animated series.  George and Neal responded with "Who?"

Coca-Cola Communications insisted on including Clem (on the left) in the animated series. George and Neal responded with "Who?"

Photo by: George

Tags: 1904(1) 1980s(7) 1987(7) 1988(6) 78000543 bce(1) dinosaurs(2) people of history(33) time machine(37) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: Apatosaurus(1) brontosaurus(1) cherry coke(1) coca-cola company(1) coca-cola telecommunications(1) coke ii(1) diet coke(1) dinosaucers(1) elmer riggs(1) new coke(2)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: Apatosaurus(1), brontosaurus(1), cherry coke(1), coca-cola company(1), coca-cola telecommunications(1), coke ii(1), diet coke(1), dinosaucers(1), elmer riggs(1), new coke(2)

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