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Teeth are for Wussies, so Give Edentulous a Chance

Entry Logged on: February 12, 2009 to Part 1 by: George - Photos by: Neal (1)
Page Views: 602 - Times Displayed: 7001

In order to prevent George and Neal from becoming destitute after the ADA failed to support their new toothpaste approximately three dozen musicians, actors, and rhubarb farmers (friends from the IARF) joined together to perform a benefit concert and recorded the '80's hit feel-good song "Teeth are for Wussies, so Give Edentulous a Chance". We are still waiting for the benefits of that get-together. On the plus side, dentists all around the world praised us for assisting in increasing their demand.


Teeth are for Wussies, so Give Edentulous a Chance - Finally.... a worthy cause!

Finally.... a worthy cause!

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1980s(7) awards and recognition(12) celebrities(69) edentulous(2) rhubarb(4) toothpaste(4)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: Neal (1)

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