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Through Time and Space (and Pudding)!

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(Midwest University of Trickery in Elocution)
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(Love those Anne Geddes baby-flower costumes.)

Apples freakin' hurt.

Entry Logged on: December 10, 2009 to Part 3 by: Neal
Page Views: 293 - Times Displayed: 6945

After hearing that Isaac Newton once disparaged Neal's great-great-great-great Grandfather's honor, George and Neal went back to 1666, and chucked an apple at his head. Incidentally, this led to the discovery of gravity by the somewhat confused scientist. George took this to mean that if he threw random things at people's heads, they, too, would have equally as grand epiphanies. Soon, Neal learned that George liked to randomly and without warning throw things at his head. The only discovery Neal had that day? Apples freakin' hurt. George was entirely satisfied with that epiphany.

Tags: 1666(1) inspirations(19) ouch! that'll leave a mark(13) people of history(33) science(28)
Names Mentioned: isaac newton(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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(Midwest University of Trickery in Elocution)
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(Love those Anne Geddes baby-flower costumes.)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: isaac newton(1)

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  • science - (27 Other Entries)
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