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On Online Dating

Entry Logged on: October 04, 2009 to Part 3 by: Neal - Photos by: George (1)
Page Views: 437 - Times Displayed: 13412

After the success of online dating websites such as "Eharmony" and "J-Date" (a social/dating website for Jewish people), George and Neal created their own dating websites, including:

- "Hey-Hey-Hey" Date, the world's largest singles network for those people who like the character Dwayne Clemens Nelson from the now-defunct television sitcom, "What's Happening!!";
- L-Harmony - the singles network for Lepers; and
-, the dating website devoted entirely to newly-turned zombies.

Although each was quite successful for a period of time, only withstood the tests of time. Although Neal and George are not zombies, they occasionally log on time with the site. You can find Neal and George under their respective pseudonyms, "Grauh?" and "Dr. Teeth".


On Online Dating - Meat someone with similar tastes as you, or your neighbor, or the neighbor's dog...

Meat someone with similar tastes as you, or your neighbor, or the neighbor's dog...

Photo by: George

Tags: diseases(9) jewish(6) nicknames(14) relationships(6) tv shows(49) websites(7) zombies(21)
Names Mentioned: dwayne clemens nelson(1) eharmony(1) j-date(1) what's happening(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: George (1)

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