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3014 Was Weird

Entry Logged on: September 23, 2012 to Part 3 by: Neal - Photos by: Neal (4)
Page Views: 527 - Times Displayed: 18789

In 3014, feeling melancholy as a result of a worldwide illness that removed the human eye's ability to detect a significant amount of electromagnetic radiation on the visible spectrum (the R and the G were notably absent, leaving only the B - which as an aside contributed to Van Gogh's Blue period after he traveled with Neal and George to -- eh, that's a story for another time), George and Neal decided to brighten up the world's mood by releasing board games based on popular movies. The games were a big hit, as the people of 3014 were very nostalgic towards movies that were made between 1975 and 2012. In retrospect, the games were complete nonsense, with rules from 20+ other games sloppily cobbled together. None of them made any sense. Therefore, Michael Bay Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr's grandson rushed to option the rights to make them into movies.


3014 Was Weird - Psychological torture was never so much fun!

Psychological torture was never so much fun!

Photo by: Neal


One Flew Over the...  Mousetrap? - I'm fairly positive they literally just repackaged the game Mouse Trap.

I'm fairly positive they literally just repackaged the game Mouse Trap.

Photo by: Neal


Eeew.... - The directions require you to take at least two showers after playing.

The directions require you to take at least two showers after playing.

Photo by: Neal

The popularity of the games reached such great heights that, in thanks and gratitude, others created games based upon the life of George and Neal. The game was so complicated due to the frequent time traveling and history altering events, that it caused 95% of the people attempting to play to lose their sanity. The remaining 5% had little sanity to begin with, so...


The Game of (Our) Life - The girl on the left is mere moments away from a total mental meltdown.

The girl on the left is mere moments away from a total mental meltdown.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1975(2) 2012(14) 3014(2) celebrities(69) diseases(9) games(15) movies(41)
Names Mentioned: magic mike(1) michael bay(1) one flew over the cuckoo's nest(1) sophie's choice(1) vincent van gogh(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (4)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: magic mike(1), michael bay(1), one flew over the cuckoo's nest(1), sophie's choice(1), vincent van gogh(1)

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