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Where the heck are Vladimir and Estragon?

Entry Logged on: August 08, 2009 to Part 2 by: George
Page Views: 451 - Times Displayed: 7698

In 1947 George and Neal spent several days in France waiting for their friends Vladimir and Estragon to show up. Neal later wrote a play about it called "Waiting for Vladimir and Estragon". Then in 1949 some dude ripped off our story and completely turned the tables. In his play, Samuel Beckett claimed Vladimir and Estragon were waiting and waiting for us! Needless to say we weren't too happy, especially since we had no idea who this Beckett guy was. So we contacted Beckett and told him what's up. He agreed to at least change our names in his play. Somehow Beckett's play became famous while Neal's just faded to obscurity. Maybe it's because people were more interested in philosophical discussions than the truth of what happened - sitting, waiting, belching, farting, and battling ninjas.

Tags: 1947(1) 1949(2) celebrities(69) ninjas(3) theater(8)
Names Mentioned: france(1) samuel beckett(1) waiting for godot(1)
Entry Logged By: George

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