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George's Ghastly Spell and the Toothless Fairy

Entry Logged on: November 19, 2009 to Part 3 by: George
Page Views: 335 - Times Displayed: 4883

For four years (1995 - 1999) George filled in for the Boogie Man while he was on sabbatical. Those exceptionally productive years are affectionately known as "George's Ghastly Spell" by Boogie Man aficionados. Neal spent the same time period impersonating the Tooth Fairy until she finally caught up with him in early 1999 and kicked his ass. Today, Neal is known as the Toothless Fairy among Tooth Fairy aficionados.

Tags: 1995(2) 1999(3) kicking ass(16) mythological critters(7) nicknames(14)
Names Mentioned: boogie man(1) tooth fairy(1)
Entry Logged By: George

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: boogie man(1), tooth fairy(1)

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