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(Tooth-whitening Toothpaste)

Samhain and Zarathosht Diso

Entry Logged on: February 12, 2009 to Part 1 by: George - Photos by: Neal (1)
Page Views: 414 - Times Displayed: 2788

A second attempt to unite the religious holidays of Samhain and Zarathosht Diso was equally disastrous since neither of them was Wiccan or Zoroastrian.


Samhain and Zarathosht Diso - Venn diagrams are always helpful.

Venn diagrams are always helpful.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: failures(22) holidays(8) mashups(12) religion(11) wicca(1) zoroastrianism(1)
Names Mentioned: samhain(1) zarathosht diso(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: Neal (1)

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(Tooth-whitening Toothpaste)

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  • wicca - (No Other Entries)
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