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Ice Cream Sandwich: The Origin

Entry Logged on: July 01, 2009 to Part 2 by: Neal
Page Views: 431 - Times Displayed: 5638

In 1931, Neal made the mistake of ordering 10,000 loaves of chocolate wafers. (Okay, it wasn't a mistake - he just liked chocolate. It was a weak moment.) George, on the other hand, ordered hundreds of gallons of ice cream - that wasn't a mistake either - he just always wanted to swim in a pool of sherbet. When the bill came, the boys had to find a way to pay for their addictions. Hence, ice cream sandwiches were born. Of course, the original sandwich is different from those of today, which taste much less like George swam in the ice cream.

Tags: 1931(1) food(45) george funk(11) inventions(49) origin(24)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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