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Chainsaw Wielding Raccoons

Entry Logged on: April 18, 2009 to Part 1 by: George
Page Views: 354 - Times Displayed: 4126

In 1974 George and Neal prevented a hostile takeover of the US by an army of chainsaw wielding raccoons. We did this by training squirrels to use nail guns to take out the raccoons. Unfortunately the squirrels got too sure of themselves and started taking out peanut vendors at sporting events. George and Neal solved this problem by meeting with the squirrels without preconditions. They agreed to stop shooting peanut vendors if we agreed to lift economic sanctions against their home nation of Sciuridaetopia.

Tags: 1974(6) kicking ass(16) peanuts(6) raccoons(3) sciuridaetopia(3) squirrels(3)
Entry Logged By: George

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