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George, Digitally Inserted

Entry Logged on: July 10, 2009 to Part 2 by: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)
Page Views: 689 - Times Displayed: 8589

In 1997, due to George's deep love of Star Wars, as well as his admiration of George Lucas (less as a result of Lucas's accomplishments and more because of Lucas's awesome first name), George asked to be involved in the Star Wars prequels. However, when George read the script to Episode I, he quickly decided he did not want to be involved in the project (or in George's words, "Meesa want nuting to do wit'de feeellllm, Ani!"). Instead, he dumped quantums of money in Lucas' lap, requesting that he be digitally inserted into the "original" trilogy. Caring little about continuity (come on Lucas, Greedo shoots first???), Lucas complied. Happy with the results, George has since contacted Spielberg so that he could be included in JAWS, Orson Welles's Citizen Kane, and replacing Bill Cosby in Leonard: Part 6 (it didn't help).


George, Digitally Inserted - "Luke... the Force.... it's just midi-chlorians..." "That's not true! That's impossible!"

"Luke... the Force.... it's just midi-chlorians..." "That's not true! That's impossible!"

Photo by: Neal


Hayden Christiansen - Axed! - Hayden Christiansen must be rolling over in his... um... big comfy bed, in a huge mansion.

Hayden Christiansen must be rolling over in his... um... big comfy bed, in a huge mansion.

Photo by: Neal


Rosebud! - Despite never having seen Citizen Kane, George was insistent on having a part... He played the snow globe.

Despite never having seen Citizen Kane, George was insistent on having a part... He played the snow globe.

Photo by: Neal - Caption by: George

Tags: 1997(6) celebrities(69) movies(41) star wars(7)
Names Mentioned: bill cosby(1) citizen kane(1) george lucas(2) hayden christiansen(1) jaws(1) leonard: part 6(1) orson welles(1) star wars(7)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: bill cosby(1), citizen kane(1), george lucas(2), hayden christiansen(1), jaws(1), leonard: part 6(1), orson welles(1), star wars(7)

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