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Harold and the Purple Crayon: Harold Discovers the Female Anatomy

Entry Logged on: September 13, 2009 to Part 3 by: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)
Page Views: 1066 - Times Displayed: 8323

In 2004, George and Neal publish their educational children's book, "Harold and the Purple Crayon: Harold Discovers the Female Anatomy". The book was a hit, especially in the "Males, ages 13-18" demographic. There was much praise. And lawsuits. Lots and lots of those.


Harold and the Purple Crayon: Harold Discovers the Female Anatomy - Above: Mandatory curriculum in President Obama's Education Recovery Effort.

Above: Mandatory curriculum in President Obama's Education Recovery Effort.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 2004(3) education(9) lawsuits(13) obama(4) publications(14) success!(13)
Names Mentioned: barack obama(4) harold and the purple crayon(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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