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Midwest University of Trickery in Elocution

Entry Logged on: December 02, 2009 to Part 3 by: George - Photos by: George (1)
Page Views: 498 - Times Displayed: 4066

In 1981 George founded the Midwest University of Trickery in Elocution (M.U.T.E.); the most prestigious school of ventriloquism, and the only one to offer a full range of degrees and certifications, including the esteemed Pu.D. (Doctorate of Puppetry). In response Neal founded the Disparate Union of Mumbling Mannequins and Inanimate Entertainment Sycophants (D.U.M.M.I.E.S.) to fight for the rights of puppets everywhere. This short lived organization dissolved quickly when none of the members would speak up for themselves.


Midwest University of Trickery in Elocution - Neal with the first, and only, group of officers for the Disparate Union of Mumbling Mannequins and Inanimate Entertainment Sycophants (D.U.M.M.I.E.S.). On the plus side, before the union was dissolved, Neal was able to buy a used 1975 Trabant from the guy at the bottom left in the hat with the black band.

Neal with the first, and only, group of officers for the Disparate Union of Mumbling Mannequins and Inanimate Entertainment Sycophants (D.U.M.M.I.E.S.). On the plus side, before the union was dissolved, Neal was able to buy a used 1975 Trabant from the guy at the bottom left in the hat with the black band.

Photo by: George

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Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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