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Entries From Wednesday, March 25, 2009

<< Mar 24, 2009  Mar 26, 2009 >>

3 Entries on This Page

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The Dark Ages: The Origin

Views: 387/4382
Added: 03/25/2009

In about 480 AD the sun broke. In 1111 AD George and Neal invented a new, more efficient sun. That's why that period in history is known as the Dark Ages.


The Dark Ages: The Origin - When the old coal powered Sun started to peter out, George and Neal got on the job and brightened things up with our all new, efficient and clean, nuclear fusion powered Sun.

When the old coal powered Sun started to peter out, George and Neal got on the job and brightened things up with our all new, efficient and clean, nuclear fusion powered Sun.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1111(1) 480(1) astronomy(8) energy(6) historic events(18) origin(24)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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Free TV!

Views: 524/6652
Added: 03/25/2009

George and Neal can view the entire electromagnetic spectrum, not only visible light. This has many uses and has helped us with our amazing achievements. We are also able to listen to radio and watch TV by directly observing their transmission signals. However the downside is that we have to wear welders’ masks when we make microwave popcorn and sunglasses when using wi-fi internet access.

Tags: amazing abilities(16) Food(45) science(28) tv shows(49)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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George Spores

Views: 522/8115
Added: 03/25/2009

In September 1928, Neal and George decided to attempt to clone themselves so that future generations could benefit from their awesomeness. Neal believed he was on to something when he created "George Spores", which grew from George's feet. In reality, this was just Athlete's Foot, obtained by George while showering at the dorms at U of I. However, on the plus side, when Neal threw out his "George Spores" in Alexander Fleming's laboratory, it resulted in Fleming's discovery of Penicillin. So, millions of lives were once again saved by George's stinky feet.


George Spores - George Spores... Who knew they would be so beneficial. They are rather good looking though.

George Spores... Who knew they would be so beneficial. They are rather good looking though.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1928(1) diseases(9) george funk(11) historic events(18) Inspirations(19) people of history(33) science(28)
Names Mentioned: alexander flemming(1) university of illinois(5)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: George (1)

<< Mar 24, 2009  Mar 26, 2009 >>

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