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Calendar Confusion

Entry Logged on: March 16, 2009 to Part 1 by: George
Page Views: 370 - Times Displayed: 7357

In 46 BCE George and Neal suggested a new calendar to Julius Caesar. Caesar adopted most of the rules we specified, but not all of them. In 1582 George and Neal again proposed their new, more accurate calendar system, which was officially adopted by Pope Gregory XIII in October of that year. The ensuing confusion lasted for nearly 350 years (and will actually reassert itself again in the year 2800 thanks to the Revised Julian calendar). As confusion regarding the calendar wore off George and Neal decided to shake things up again in the early 1900s with their invention of Daylight Savings Time. We had nothing to do with George W. Bush's addition to the confusion. That was his own doing.

Tags: .46 bce(1) 1582(1) 1900s(1) 2800(1) calendars(4) george w. bush(5) historic events(18) inventions(49) people of history(33)
Names Mentioned: george w. bush(4) julius caesar(1) pope gregory xiii(1)
Entry Logged By: George

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