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Clean, Efficient, Traumatizing Feeble Power

Entry Logged on: March 16, 2009 to Part 1 by: Neal - Photos by: George (1)
Page Views: 575 - Times Displayed: 9689

In 1998, George decided to traumatize Neal by forcing him to watch Peter Jackson's lesser known muppets-on-drugs movie, Meet the Feebles. Neal has been sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth ever since. On the plus side, George realized he could use Neal's constant rocking as an alternate source of energy. Now the nation's reliance on oil has abated. Its reliance on "Neal Power", however, has grown exponentially. George has become the nation's largest supplier of "Neal Power", although not everyone rocking back and forth after watching Meet the Feebles is named Neal. The cost of producing "Neal Power" generators was drastically reduced in 2000 when George invested in purchasing a copy of the movie on VHS for $14.95 instead of having to rent the video for $3.00 every time he wanted to build more power generators. Since 2000 George has converted numerous poor souls to "Neal Power" generators, including his poor wife (sorry honey!). To the Spice Girls dismay, the nation still has no interest in fueling things using sassy "Girl Power". The Power Rangers have no opinion on this.


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The Grand Saga of George and Neal's Adventures Through Time and Space (and Pudding)! is powered by people viewing this still from "Meet the Feebles". Thanks for doing your part to keep our site running.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1998(9) celebrities(69) energy(6) inventions(49) meet the feebles(1) mental trauma(8)
Names Mentioned: meet the feebles(1) peter jackson(1) power rangers(1) spice girls(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: George (1)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: meet the feebles(1), peter jackson(1), power rangers(1), spice girls(1)

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