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Through Time and Space (and Pudding)!

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That Crazy Bette

Entry Logged on: December 31, 2015 to Part 4 by: George - Photos by: George (1)
Page Views: 374 - Times Displayed: 7551

On April 25, 2014 Bette Midler was finally successful in her dastardly plot to capture Neal and George. Using a baked lasagna she was able to lure them into her trap (truthfully they suspected a trap all along, but thought it was for Garfield and wanted that lasagna before the fat cat arrived). For over 20 months the fearless explorers were trapped in stasis pods and subjected to Midler's mind probes. Finally, on December 31, 2015 George and Neal were heroically rescued by their future selves (from all the way on January 1, 2016). And once again, all was right in the world. Celebration and parties ensued throughout the galaxy until the stroke of midnight (Central Standard Time) when George and Neal actually became their future selves and had to leave the party early to go rescue themselves. I'd explain further, but it just gets more confusing. Hey look, a lasagna!


That Crazy Bette - Luckily George and Neal were rescued by George and Neal before their fate was the same as the poor saps in the other stasis pods.  Neal wasn't frightened by that though, it was Bette's prancing that worried him.

Luckily George and Neal were rescued by George and Neal before their fate was the same as the poor saps in the other stasis pods. Neal wasn't frightened by that though, it was Bette's prancing that worried him.

Photo by: George

Tags: 2014(7) 2015(9) 2016(8) celebrities(69) lasagna(2) strange disappearances(2) things george eats(3) things neal eats(9) time paradoxes are fun(4) vajazzled(3)
Names Mentioned: bette midler(5)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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