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The Bucket List

Entry Logged on: February 11, 2013 to Part 3 by: George - Photos by: George (2)
Page Views: 537 - Times Displayed: 6743

In 1994 George and Neal decided that, although they had had many adventures and experienced some really amazing things that most other people can't even imagine, there were still some things they would like to do before they kick the bucket. So they each made their own bucket list. Neal tried to get at least 21 items, he really did, but after adding 15 items on the list he decided that item 16 would be to someday finish the list. George took the lazy route and just made a list of different types of buckets.


The Bucket List - It didn't take long for George to complete this list. His next list was a "Shovel List" and after that he tried a "Sh*t List", but that didn't turn out so well (the shovels and buckets came in handy though).

It didn't take long for George to complete this list. His next list was a "Shovel List" and after that he tried a "Sh*t List", but that didn't turn out so well (the shovels and buckets came in handy though).

Photo by: George


The Unfinished Bucket List - Oddly enough, Neal completed #9 before he completed #8. His neighbors were thankful, since there's no knowing where Neal's toes have been.

Oddly enough, Neal completed #9 before he completed #8. His neighbors were thankful, since there's no knowing where Neal's toes have been.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1994(4) poop(7) procrastination(5) slacking and being lazy are hard work(9)
Names Mentioned: cincinnati(2) international space station(1) ohio(2)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (2)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: cincinnati(2), international space station(1), ohio(2)

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