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'1996' Tagged Entries

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Saved By The 1-Up

Views: 499/6564
Added: 06/01/2009

In 1991 Neal was found dead after a long session of Bad Dudes, however he luckily received a 1-Up just before perishing and was able to be revived by George. Neal realized at this point that he had a dangerous addiction to video games and entered a rehab clinic. Five years later Neal was released, completely cured of his addiction to 2D video games. However by that time 3D games were popular and Neal slipped right back into the habit. Shortly thereafter an extended Quake session left Neal twitchy and pale (not much different from his normal state, actually). He claims to have completed a full Speedrun in only 8 minutes 34 seconds, but since he failed to record it, and Neal is prone to making up greatly exaggerated and fantastic stories about his accomplishments, few believed him at the time. In 2005 George decided to confirm Neal's story once and for all and traveled back to 1996 to witness Neal's amazing accomplishment. George was impressed and decided that Neal's video game addiction was impressive enough to let continue. No more rehab for Neal! At least not for video games...

Tags: 1991(3) 1996(2) 2001(8) 2005(2) amazing abilities(16) rehab(3) video games(12)
Names Mentioned: bad dudes(1) quake(1)
Entry Logged By: George

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The ChickenPede

Views: 737/9868
Added: 07/23/2009

In 1996 George and Neal cross bred a centipede with a chicken (that was one wild night, let me tell you). The resulting mutant became a favored pet of Neal's (he named it Perdue) until George realized the financial opportunity and sold Perdue and the ChickenPede breeding technique to KFC. Neal was devastated, but agreed that Perdue was tasty. We also tried selling the breeding technique to Hooters, but they claimed they already had enough breasts, thighs, and legs and to contact them when we made a chicken with more wings. We're still researching that.


The ChickenPede - RIP Perdue - Rest in Pieces... Crispy, tender, golden pieces.

RIP Perdue - Rest in Pieces... Crispy, tender, golden pieces.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1996(2) business ventures(46) chicken(2) genetics(16) inventions(49)
Names Mentioned: hooters(1) kentucky fried chicken(1) perdue chicken(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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