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Vanished Celebrity Vaudeville Variety Hour

Views: 610/12262
Added: 03/22/2009

In 1937 George and Neal, while experimenting with a new potato gun in the central Pacific, accidentally shot down Amelia Earhart's airplane. They were able to rescue her from the wreckage and she ended up staying on the island with them for quite a while. After initial reservations, she finally gave in to Neal's romantic advances. Unsatisfied, she gave up on Neal and tried to seduce George. It was at this point that George and Neal decided to ask Amelia to join their super secret society of vanished celebrities. To date the super secret society consists of Amelia Earhart, Andy Kaufman, Elvis, Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G., Stephen Foster, Hitler, Jimmy Hoffa, Bono, Sonny Bono, the original Cher, Kurt Cobain, Al Capone, Jim Morrison, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, Jake the Snake Roberts, Atilla the Hun, Ludwig von Beethoven, Beavis & Butthead, Cleopatra, Shelley Long, Bronson Pinchot, William Hung, Jaleel White, Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem, James Dean, Glen Miller, Marcus Schrenker, and the Fraggles. The plan is to bring everyone back in 2064 for a Vanished Celebrity Vaudeville Variety Hour world tour. Amelia will be doing her amazing basketball spinning trick.

Tags: 1937(2) 2064(1) celebrities(69) organizations(15) theater(8)
Names Mentioned: adolf hitler(1) al capone(1) amelia earhart(1) andy kaufman(1) atilla the hun(1) beavis & butthead(2) benjamin franklin(1) bono(1) bronson pinchot(1) cher(1) cleopatra(2) dr. teeth and the electric mayhem(1) elvis(1) glen miller(2) jake the snake roberts(1) jaleel white(1) james dean(1) jim morrison(1) jimmy hoffa(1) kurt cobain(3) ludwig von beethoven(1) marcus schrenker(1) nikola tesla(1) notorious b. i. g.(1) shelley long(1) sonny bono(1) stephen foster(1) the fraggles(1) tupac shakur(1) william hung(1)
Entry Logged By: George

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Those Look Like Comfortable Shoes

Views: 874/4736
Added: 12/08/2013

In 1937, scientist Daniel Bovet created the first antihistamine to combat allergies. Flash forward forty years later, to 1977 - another allergy-related breakthrough: George and Neal create the Ah-Ah-Shoe!, the first antihistamine-laced shoe which they claim minimizes the number of sneezes a person has each week. Since no sane person counts the number of sneezes they have during a particular week, the world just took their word for it, and purchased it in droves.

Note: this is George and Neal's first successful shoe line, after their previous attempts to create a "no-odor" shoe ended in failure. Nothing could combat George's stinky feet. Nothing.

Additional Note: Four separate countries offered to pay the boys buckets of money if they could use the odor in combat, but since George and Neal are against biological warfare, they declined.

Even Additional-lier Note: One nameless cheese company attempted to create a cheese based upon the foot's musky odor, but it was disgusting. (Kind of surprising, really, given how tasty George Juice is.)

Additional-liest Note: The Cheese is currently being sold as "American Cheese." Kinda makes sense, right?

Tags: 1937(2) 1977(2) ah-ah-shoe!(1) american cheese(1) antihistamine shoe(1) biological warfare(2) count your sneezes(1) daniel bovet(1) foot odor(3) stinky feet(3) those look like comfortable shoes(3)
Names Mentioned: daniel bovet(1) kraft(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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