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Through Time and Space (and Pudding)!

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Pokemon STOP

Entry Logged on: July 20, 2016 to Part 4 by: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)
Page Views: 325 - Times Displayed: 4190

In 2016, the phone app Pokemon:GO! was extremely popular. Kids, adults, and chimpanzees capable of stealing iPhones were all playing this highly addictive game, involving searching real-world locations to "capture" Pokemon characters.

What people don't know, however, was that Pokemon:GO! was actually an almost identical copy of an earlier game, Jarosmon:PROCEED!. George created it as a fun game for fans to search for George and Neal throughout their time traveling adventures (as well as their multiverse traveling adventures, but we'll get to that later). The app led people from place to place and time to time, in order to find George or Neal. At first, it was really, really fun, and the boys welcomed those players successful enough to locate them.


Pokemon STOP - Why George donned weird outfits and made "rawr rawr" kitten noises as players walked by... no one quite figured that one out.

Why George donned weird outfits and made "rawr rawr" kitten noises as players walked by... no one quite figured that one out.

Photo by: Neal

However, over time the game became considerably frustrating for George and Neal. Thousands and thousands of players would essentially stalk George and Neal at their workplaces, favorite hangouts, homes, and… well…. let's just say no place was sacred.


 - Yep, there's nothing sacred about this. (Also, you can't unsee things like this.  That is why the internet must be stopped.)

Yep, there's nothing sacred about this. (Also, you can't unsee things like this. That is why the internet must be stopped.)

Photo by: Neal

Exhausted from evading their many pursuers, George and Neal agreed to go back in time and stop themselves from ever inventing Jarosmon:PROCEED!, negating its existence in Clem-like proportions.

How Pokemon:GO! came into existence afterwards remains a mystery, although George and Neal suspect the piles and piles of money that George's son, Sam inexplicably acquired only shortly thereafter is somehow related.

Tags: 2016(8) annoying fads(2) charzard(1) clem(3) georgizard(1) highest score(1) phone apps(1) pikachu(1) pokemon(1) pokemon:go(1)
Names Mentioned: charzard(1) george jaros(13) Neal Simon(9) pikachu(1) pokemon(1) pokemon:go(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (3)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: charzard(1), george jaros(13), Neal Simon(9), pikachu(1), pokemon(1), pokemon:go(1)

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