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The Recession of 2009: The Origin

Entry Logged on: February 27, 2009 to Part 1 by: George
Page Views: 473 - Times Displayed: 3994

On 2/27/2009 George was too busy and too tired to do anything more than just embellish a bit. So he made up some random dribble just to take up some space. Neal wasted a few seconds of his time reading the dribble. Then everyone else who read this wasted a few seconds. After a while those seconds added up and years were wasted, just because George couldn't think of anything good to write. So thank you for contributing to the recession of 2009 by wasting precious seconds with which you could have been productive, earning money at a job or spending money to boost the economy. I hope it was worth it.

Tags: 2009(21) economy(8) origin(24)
Entry Logged By: George

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