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Welcome Back Potter

Entry Logged on: August 27, 2012 to Part 3 by: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)
Page Views: 381 - Times Displayed: 5858

Overwhelmed by the success of the Harry Potter franchise (books, movies, games, cereals, tampons, etc.) and eager to revive the 1970's sitcoms, in 2009 George and Neal created the show, "Welcome Back Potter." It was an instant success, if you measured success by how quickly a show gets removed from a network.


Welcome Back Potter - Above: promotional photograph for "Harry Potter and the Unruly Sweathogs".

Above: promotional photograph for "Harry Potter and the Unruly Sweathogs".

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1970s(3) 2009(21) mashups(12) movies(41) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: Harry Potter(8) welcome back kotter(2)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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