The Grand Saga of
George and Neal's Adventures
Through Time and Space (and Pudding)!

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Starring George & Neal!!!

Entry Logged on: June 06, 2009 to Part 2 by: Neal - Photos by: Neal (7)
Page Views: 1246 - Times Displayed: 11583

Wanting to attain fame, but hoping to do so with as little effort as humanly possible, George and Neal went back in time to be recast in Hollywood blockbuster movies and shows. First, Neal "borrowed" Barret Oliver's role in The Neverending Story.


Starring George & Neal!!! - "Whee! Whee! Wh... Hey, this thing smells like an old foot. Can we stop shooting?"

"Whee! Whee! Wh... Hey, this thing smells like an old foot. Can we stop shooting?"

Photo by: Neal

Then Neal was cast in our nation's finest show, Gimme a Break! - assuming the role previously cast by Joey Lawrence.


Whoa! - If Shakespeare were alive, he'd be jealous.

If Shakespeare were alive, he'd be jealous.

Photo by: Neal

Wanting to get in on the fun, George took Ron Howard's role as Opie Taylor in the Andy Griffith Show.


Goodby Ronnie! - This is the reason scientists worked tirelessly to create Tivo.

This is the reason scientists worked tirelessly to create Tivo.

Photo by: Neal

After Neal appeared in both the 70's movie Star Wars, as well as the show about the 70's, "That 70's Show", Neal retired his acting career/identity theft.


That 70's Star Wars Show - Neal is the one on the left.

Neal is the one on the left.

Photo by: Neal


Topher Said "No!" - Topher Grace was less than thrilled at the new direction of the show.

Topher Grace was less than thrilled at the new direction of the show.

Photo by: Neal

George, however, went on to star in The Brady Bunch, Punky Brewster, The A-Team, Cheers, Three's Company, and All in the Family before moving on to his newest passion, competitive Butter Churning. (The First Rule of Competitive Butter Churning... You Do Not Talk About Butter Churning. The second rule is pretty much the same as the first.)


Punky Georgester - With hair of... um... nevermind.

With hair of... um... nevermind.

Photo by: Neal


Georgantium - The sexual tension between George and Rhea Perlman was so intense that scientists classified it as a new periodic element ("Georgantium")

The sexual tension between George and Rhea Perlman was so intense that scientists classified it as a new periodic element ("Georgantium")

Photo by: Neal

Tags: movies(41) star wars(7) time machine(37) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: all in the family(1) andy griffith(1) a-team(3) barret oliver(1) brady bunch(2) cheers(1) fight club(1) gimme a break(1) hollywood(3) joey lawrence(1) neverending story(2) opie taylor(1) punky brewster(1) rhea perlman(1) ron howard(2) star wars(7) that 70s show(1) three's company(2) topher grace(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (7)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: all in the family(1), andy griffith(1), a-team(3), barret oliver(1), brady bunch(2), cheers(1), fight club(1), gimme a break(1), hollywood(3), joey lawrence(1), neverending story(2), opie taylor(1), punky brewster(1), rhea perlman(1), ron howard(2), star wars(7), that 70s show(1), three's company(2), topher grace(1)

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