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Able Archer 83: The Origin

Entry Logged on: March 14, 2009 to Part 1 by: Neal
Page Views: 741 - Times Displayed: 4572

In 1983, George devised a 10-day NATO exercise to simulate World War 3, so that all nations participating could see what would happen in the worst case scenario of war. Unfortunately, Neal forgot to tell the Soviet Union about George's game/simulation, resulting in wide-spread Soviet panic and the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war. (Wikipedia: Able Archer 83). Whoops. Neal's bad.

Tags: 1983(6) historic events(18) origin(24) wars(4)
Names Mentioned: able archer 83(1) nato(1) soviet union(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: able archer 83(1), nato(1), soviet union(1)

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