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Mace, the other Dark Side

Entry Logged on: April 11, 2013 to Part 3 by: George - Photos by: George (1)
Page Views: 373 - Times Displayed: 7005

Darth Vader was not Luke's father. A paternity test by Maury Povich revealed to Vader that "You are NOT the father!". After checking six other potential candidates, including Obi-wan Kenobi, Emperor Palpatine, Bail Organa, Lando Calrissian, Commander Cody (as well as all his Lost Planet Airmen), and even Yoda, it was finally revealed that Luke's father was in fact Mace Windu. I guess Padmé had a little 'dark side' in her, too.


Mace, the other Dark Side - It's a good thing for Maury that all weapons are collected at the entrance to the television studio before tapings, a full-time job for his security, otherwise he'd have a purple lightsaber in a very uncomfortable place (and no, not like the back of a Volkswagen).

It's a good thing for Maury that all weapons are collected at the entrance to the television studio before tapings, a full-time job for his security, otherwise he'd have a purple lightsaber in a very uncomfortable place (and no, not like the back of a Volkswagen).

Photo by: George

Tags: genetics(16) movies(41) star wars(7) who's your daddy(1)
Names Mentioned: Bail Organa(1) commander cody(1) commander cody and his lost planet airmen(1) darth vader(1) emperor palpatine(1) lando calrissian(1) mace windu(1) mallrats(1) maury povich(1) obi-wan kenobi(1) yoda(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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People, Places, Companies, Products, and Things mentioned that you may recognize from your reality: Bail Organa(1), commander cody(1), commander cody and his lost planet airmen(1), darth vader(1), emperor palpatine(1), lando calrissian(1), mace windu(1), mallrats(1), maury povich(1), obi-wan kenobi(1), yoda(1)

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