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Entries From Monday, August 08, 2016

<< Jul 26, 2016  Sep 21, 2016 >>

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The Guide to Everything

Views: 393/13636
Added: 08/08/2016

It surely goes without saying that, for thousands of years, George and Neal had an enormous impact on pop culture. They affected everything from television shows to movies, music to currency (especially during 2037-2062 where they convinced the world to use Beanie Babies as the universal currency.) Below you will find a section from the TV Guide for April 5-11, 2065, which illustrates the great impact they had on the television landscape. Note that most shows were created by George and Neal. The rest were created by George, George, George, Neal, and Neal (thanks to their forays into cloning).


The Guide to Everything - Fun Fact: before being beamed directly into your skull (whether you wanted it or not), TV Guide use to be printed on an ancient material known as “paper.

Fun Fact: before being beamed directly into your skull (whether you wanted it or not), TV Guide use to be printed on an ancient material known as “paper.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: ABC(15) ABC Audience(15) American Idol(15) Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader(15) Bravo(10) Carmen Sandiego(15) CBS(15) Clifford(15) Clones(13) Connect the Dots(15) Cujo(15) Deadwood(15) Different Strokes(15) Discovery(14) E(3) Food(45) FOX(15) Golf(13) HBO(13) History(13) How I Met Your Mother(15) Last Man Standing(15) Learning(14) Lifetime(11) Meet the Press(15) MTV(15) NBC(15) QVC(11) So You Think You Can Dance(15) SYFY(11) TBS(10) Texas Chainsaw Massacre(15) Three Stooges(15) TruTV(11) TV Guide(15) Weather Channel(11) Welcome Back Kotter(15) WGN(12) Zombies(21)
Names Mentioned: and Sometimes Shemp(7) Barat(7) Batman(8) Captain Kirk(7) Carmen Sandiego(7) Clifford(7) Cujo(8) Curly(7) Donald Trump(10) Dr. Who(7) George Jaros(13) Guarandukht(7) Harry Potter(8) Ken Burns(7) Larry(7) Martha Stewart(9) Moe(7) Neal Simon(9) Regis Philbin(7) Robin Williams(8) Scott Baio(8) William Shatner(8) Zardoz(8)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Oh Wilson, Wherefore Art Thou Wilson

Views: 332/5771
Added: 08/08/2016

Unbeknownst to many, and typical for a Hollywood film, 2000s blockbuster hit Cast Away, starring Tom Hanks, was nowhere near as good as the Broadway musical it was based on, which also starred Tom Hanks and, coincidentally, Neal. Neal played the iconic role of Wilson in the musical, however Tom Hanks got tired of carrying around Neal's severed head and wanted to share the screen with a volleyball for the movie. Neal wasn't too upset though because after his head spending 36 weeks on Broadway his body was starting to get hungry. So George hot-glued Neal's head back on and he had his first meal in months. Ironically, Neal chose coconuts for his first meal.


Oh Wilson, Wherefore Art Thou Wilson - Neal was just as excited by Hanks' hairy chest and nipples as Hanks was to make fire.

Neal was just as excited by Hanks' hairy chest and nipples as Hanks was to make fire.

Photo by: George

Tags: 2000(7) celebrities(69) miley cyrus is not in this post in any way(8) movies(41) relationships(6) scantily clad people(15) success!(13) theater(8) things we made better(4) those look like comfortable shoes(3)
Names Mentioned: Cast Away(1) Tom Hanks(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

<< Jul 26, 2016  Sep 21, 2016 >>

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