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This Ain't Your Dada's IKEA

Views: 415/7769
Added: 08/11/2009

In 2017, riding on the success of ExMo and the IISL, George and Neal started a new line of furniture stores called ILEAK, making the style and comfort once reserved for only elite athletes affordable for all. Our furniture is based on classic designs that people are intimately familiar with from their days as infants. Now adults can enjoy all the comforts of baby furniture! Sleep in your own personal, adult size crib. Eat without the hassle of a table with your very own high chair. Relax in your very own swing, complete with three point harness. Driving has never been safer with your very own car seat (we don't recommend using it rear facing in the driver's seat however). Or enjoy your favorite IISL events from the comfort of a vibrating bouncy chair. It doesn't get any better than that.


This Ain't Your Dada's IKEA - George showing off the latest in the ILEAK line of infant inspired furniture.

George showing off the latest in the ILEAK line of infant inspired furniture.

Photo by: George

Tags: 2017(2) business ventures(46) george's fashion sense(13) inventions(49)
Names Mentioned: ikea(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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Give me a head with hair, weird, awkward hair...

Views: 290/1434
Added: 08/07/2017

In 2017 George and Neal decided to start a new hairstyle fad. Instead of the refined, prim, manicured look that they made popular for most of the previous decade they both decided to skip the weekly stylist visits and nightly shampoo/conditioner/brushing regimen they had adhered to for the past 9 years and let their hair grow au natural. The jury is still out on if this was a good idea or not.


Give me a head with hair, weird, awkward hair... - George just got more and more hair everywhere, except where he needed it most.  Neal's hair took on the form of the animal spirits he had sacrificed to his hair in years past.

George just got more and more hair everywhere, except where he needed it most. Neal's hair took on the form of the animal spirits he had sacrificed to his hair in years past.

Photo by: George

Tags: 2017(2) animals(17) fashion(3) hair(12)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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