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Entries From Tuesday, May 12, 2009

<< May 11, 2009  May 16, 2009 >>

3 Entries on This Page

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Views: 395/1817
Added: 05/12/2009

In 2030, Neal became a monosyllabic, drooling, undead zombie. No one noticed the difference until 2033.

Tags: 2030(3) 2033(1) zombies(21)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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Neality TV

Views: 435/4284
Added: 05/12/2009

After the success of the show "The L-Word", Neal and George produced a television show based upon Neal's life. In retrospect, it should have been obvious that a television show called "The N-Word" was destined for failure. The show based on George's life, "It's a G Thang" also didn't fare well, but didn't rack up quite as many law suits.


Neality TV - Above: an extremely poorly conceived idea.

Above: an extremely poorly conceived idea.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: lawsuits(13) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: the l-word(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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Duke Nukem Forever

Views: 327/3601
Added: 05/12/2009

In April 2097 George and Neal released the long anticipated video game, Duke Nukem Forever, only 100 years after it was announced. Contrary to popular belief the project was never cancelled, was not a myth, and really did take 100 years of work to develop. Just wait until you get to play it. It will kick your ass and then go in search of more bubblegum.

Tags: 2097(1) kicking ass(16) video games(12)
Names Mentioned: duke nukem(1)
Entry Logged By: George

<< May 11, 2009  May 16, 2009 >>

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