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'2021' Tagged Entries

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Girls Gone Tame

Views: 324/5378
Added: 09/02/2009

In 2021, to capitalize on the new, extremely modest trends in fashion, George and Neal made millions off their new video series called "Girls Gone Tame". In exchange for putting on an extra petticoat, George and Neal would provide college girls with a sweater with a tiny "Girls Gone Tame" logo embroidered discreetly on it. Wrrrrrowwww...


Girls Gone Tame - You should hear about all the stuff they weren't willing to do...

You should hear about all the stuff they weren't willing to do...

Photo by: George

Tags: 2021(3) movies(41) scantily clad people(15) xxx(11)
Names Mentioned: girls gone wild(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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Views: 350/7473
Added: 08/28/2012

For six years, from 2021 to 2027 Neal tried very hard to get the world to pick up male-leotards as the latest fashion trend (he called them Nealotards). Those are known as the "Twenty Twenty Dark Ages" because not only did it occur during the 2020's, but Neal was featured on 20/20 in 2022 and also anyone with 20-20 vision went blind when they saw Neal strutting his stuff. Coincidentally, Neal is facing 20 law suits after this stunt.


Nealotards - Once you've seen it you can't un-see it.

Once you've seen it you can't un-see it.

Photo by: George

Tags: 2020s(1) 2021(3) 2022(4) 2027(1) lawsuits(13) Neal's Fashion Sense(21) tv shows(49)
Names Mentioned: 20/20(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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Pleasurebots V.6 - Fabio-Bot

Views: 355/4725
Added: 10/18/2012

Neal can believe it's not butter. George hasn't made up his mind yet. But both Neal and George can't believe Fabio will have his consciousness downloaded into a Pleasurebot V6 in 2021, making us totally rethink the name of that invention.


Pleasurebots V.6 - Fabio-Bot - Now that is one sexy tub of butter substitute...

Now that is one sexy tub of butter substitute...

Photo by: George

Tags: 2021(3) butter(1) fabio(1) pleasurebot(3) robots(7)
Names Mentioned: fabio(1) i can't believe it's not butter(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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