The Grand Saga of
George and Neal's Adventures
Through Time and Space (and Pudding)!

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Entries From Wednesday, March 06, 2019

<< Feb 11, 2019  Mar 17, 2020 >>

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George and Neal: Confession Time

Views: 1549/14058
Added: 03/06/2019

George and Neal have constantly manipulated reality through their countless (well, really infinite, if you consider the multiverse versions of George and Neal) time traveling. Their efforts have benefited the universe over and over. For example, many species, like the "bear" and the "dog," have been brought back from extinction. Metal underpants have been eliminated from existence in favor of cotton (you're welcome, people's junk). Asparagus Juice is no longer a thing...

... but every change is not categorically a good one. George's biggest regret is that now most of the world uses the "Gold Standard". Previously, the world used the much more reliable and sensible "Muppet Standard."


George and Neal: Confession Time - On the reverse side of the coin: "C is for Currency, and that's good enough for me!"

On the reverse side of the coin: "C is for Currency, and that's good enough for me!"

Photo by: Other - Caption by: Neal

Although memory of the Muppet Standard has mostly faded from George's memory, he still recalls buying a hot chocolate one cold morning, handing over four Miss Piggies, and still getting a few Rolfs back. Things were cheaper back then.

Tags: Beaker(1) big bird(1) cookie monster(1) currency(1) kermit(1) miss piggy(1) money(1) muppets(1) sesame street(1)
Names Mentioned: Beaker(1) big bird(1) cookie monster(1) currency(1) kermit(1) miss piggy(1) money(1) muppets(1) sesame street(4)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Other (1)

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Sisqo's Lullaby

Views: 1513/3200
Added: 03/06/2019

In 2018 George's third kid served as inspiration to his greatest gift to the human race. He noticed that Andrew was very mobile and kept having problems with his diaper shifting into odd positions. Additionally, diapers are really not all that stylish. So he worked with leading fashion designers (but mostly Neal and Sisqo) to come up with a new design for the traditional nappy. Since then Thong Diapers have become all the rage and have changed the course of history.


Sisqo's Lullaby - Seventh Generation was the first company to jump on board with this civilization changing revolution in diaper design.  Less material in the diapers means they're much more environmentally friendly.  Maybe not for your immediate environment, but overall they really helped.

Seventh Generation was the first company to jump on board with this civilization changing revolution in diaper design. Less material in the diapers means they're much more environmentally friendly. Maybe not for your immediate environment, but overall they really helped.

Photo by: George

Tags: 2018(4) environment(1) fashion(3) inventions(49)
Names Mentioned: Seventh Generation(1) Sisqo(2)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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