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Entries From Friday, June 05, 2009

<< Jun 04, 2009  Jun 06, 2009 >>

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Ten Cent Beer Night

Views: 370/4042
Added: 06/05/2009

On June 4th, 1974 George and Neal organized the first (and last) ever Ten Cent Beer Night at the Cleveland Municipal Stadium. The event was both a raging success and huge failure depending on your point of view. While increasing the attendance three-fold, it also resulted in a mass drunken riot. Seriously, we don't make this stuff up, check for yourself:

Tags: 1974(6) historic events(18) oops(16) sports(24)
Names Mentioned: cleveland(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal

<< Jun 04, 2009  Jun 06, 2009 >>

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