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I Like My Cartoon Men Like I Like My Fish, Round and Pudgy

Views: 533/2277
Added: 09/11/2017

During 2003, while involved in their historic "Dare Ya..." competitions, Neal said, "George, I dare ya to create a real life Ziggy," (the adorable, nonthreatening newspaper comic strip character). Neal was deeply satisfied with this dare, as he knew this was an impossible feat. What creature could possibly survive, maintaining such a pudgy, globulous body?

Undaunted, George was determined and attempted to create a real life Ziggy. To George's great frustration, experiment after experiment failed. Months passed without success. Ultimately, refusing to concede, George managed to create a fish that looked exactly like Ziggy.


I Like My Cartoon Men Like I Like My Fish, Round and Pudgy - That... is a strong likeness.

That... is a strong likeness.

Photo by: Neal

Neal could not deny the strong likeness, but argued George did not create an actual "Ziggy person" therefore failing the challenge (a debate the two have argued over every subsequent "Dare Ya" competitions). In any event, after the competition was over George found the fish a good home - meaning he chucked it over the side of a bridge.

Somehow, the fish thrived and even reproduced. Later that year, the fish was discovered by an ichthyologist. While George understood why the scientist named it the "blobfish", he couldn't help but be slightly disappointed the scientist didn't note its resemblance to Ziggy.

[Editor's note: The Ugly Animal Preservation Society conducted a poll to determine its official mascot. More than three thousand people voted. The Blobfish won by a landslide.]

Tags: 2003(3) blobfish(1) dare ya(1) science(28) ziggy(1)
Names Mentioned: Ziggy(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (2)

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