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Like a Boss

Views: 702/9696
Added: 04/11/2014

Tired of all the speculation, George went back to 1984 and showed the world who was the boss.

It was George.


Like a Boss - Although George successfully replaced Tony Danza, he did so by placing his head on Tony Danza's body.  It was obvious to all that something was wrong -but no one was comfortable talking about it.

Although George successfully replaced Tony Danza, he did so by placing his head on Tony Danza's body. It was obvious to all that something was wrong -but no one was comfortable talking about it.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1984(10) celebrities(69) speculation(4) time machine(37) tv shows(49) who's the boss(1)
Names Mentioned: Alyssa Milano(4) danny pintauro(4) george jaros(13) judith light(4) katherine helmond(4) tony danza(4) who's the boss(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (1)

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