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Now THAT's a Timeline!

Views: 388/2612
Added: 10/02/2018

For many years, the makers of the card game Timeline sought to create a “George and Neal”-centric game. However, given the convoluted and ever-changing history affected by the duo’s chronal exploits, it made creating the game impossible. It was only after the first biography, The Grand Saga of George and Neal’s Adventures Through Time and Space (and Pudding) was published in 2018, that the chronology became clear.


Now THAT's a Timeline! - The game is probably too easy... I mean, who doesn’t know when George Juice was developed, relative to when those extremely attractive Pleasurebots were created?

The game is probably too easy... I mean, who doesn’t know when George Juice was developed, relative to when those extremely attractive Pleasurebots were created?

Photo by: Neal

Now, G&N-ophiles can show off their knowledge by bragging they know when Neal gave his body to science, and whether that was before or after George babysat Metallica’s James Hatfield. Curiously, when the makers of timeline refused to share their profits with George and Neal, it was immediately discovered that an exact identical Timeline game was published 100 years earlier (copyrighted by George and Neal), under the name Timeline: The This Is What Happens When You Won’t Share Profits Edition.


 - Copyrights are meaningless against time-traveling grudge-holders.

Copyrights are meaningless against time-traveling grudge-holders.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: card game(1) eyebrows(1) giraffes(1) gorillas(1) love bots(1) pleasurebots(1) punch out(1) spores(1) timeline(1) timeline card game(1)
Names Mentioned: card game(1) eyebrows(1) giraffes(1) gorillas(1) love bots(1) pleasurebots(1) punch out(2) spores(1) timeline(1) timeline card game(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (2)

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