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Don't Let Coronavirus Cancel Your Wedding

Entry Logged on: March 17, 2020 to Part 4 by: George - Photos by: George (1)
Page Views: 1428 - Times Displayed: 3869

In 1921 George and Neal founded their bridal fashion line. Unfortunately George and Neal knew absolutely nothing about bridal fashion and their company wasn't very successful. This didn't stop them though, and they used their knowledge of the future to bring the hottest styles from the 21st century to the roaring 20s in the hopes that the modernization of 1920s fashion trends would embrace their futuristic designs. They failed there as well. But they were convinced that their innovative wedding dress designs would someday catch on, so they kept at it. Finally, in 2020 George and Neal became the hottest fashion team in the bridal industry. The March edition of their magazine, The Bodaceous Bride, featured their flagship wedding dress on the cover. Everyone was anxious to get their hands on the dress (whether they were getting married or not!) Turns out their Hazmat Wedding Dress would probably have also been a hit if they had released it just a few years earlier, but they missed the Spanish Flu epidemic by just a few months.


Don't Let Coronavirus Cancel Your Wedding - Be sure to read that article about 106 reasons you missed out on marrying the man of your dreams.  There are really only two reasons, named Julie and Clarissa, but we had to come up with 104 other reasons Julie and Clarissa are more awesome than you.

Be sure to read that article about 106 reasons you missed out on marrying the man of your dreams. There are really only two reasons, named Julie and Clarissa, but we had to come up with 104 other reasons Julie and Clarissa are more awesome than you.

Photo by: George

Tags: 1920s(1) 1921(2) 2020(5) business ventures(46) coronavirus(2) covid-19(1) George's Fashion Sense(13) neal's fashion sense(21) weddings(1)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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