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World's First Selfie

Entry Logged on: May 28, 2016 to Part 4 by: Neal - Photos by: Neal (2)
Page Views: 500 - Times Displayed: 2507

It was widely thought that Robert Cornelius took the very first self-portrait (or "selfie") in 1839. However, the truth is, not surprisingly, much more complicated than that. When Robert's friend, Herman "Twitchy" Aaron saw the selfie, he became insanely jealous that he, himself, did not do the first selfie. Believing that someone would eventually create a time machine (perhaps out of a blender), Herman put a clause in his will that if ever someone went back in time and assisted him with the first selfie ever, he would pay them a handsome sum. Two hundred years later, give or take a decade, Neal learned of this, and went back in time, creating the very first selfie with Herman in 1838.


World's First Selfie - A handsome gentleman.  Twitchy was also not hard on the eyes.

A handsome gentleman. Twitchy was also not hard on the eyes.

Photo by: Neal

Upon hearing of this, George was very disappointed with Neal for using the time machine for financial gain. But, rather than correcting the situation, George decided to create the world's first photo bomb.


 - For some reason, George thought it was appropriate to wear a snake that day.

For some reason, George thought it was appropriate to wear a snake that day.

Photo by: Neal

Tags: 1838(1) 1839(1) Herman Aaron(1) Robert Cornelius(1) selfie(2) time machine(37) time travel(3) twitchy(1)
Names Mentioned: Herman "Twitchy" Aaron(1) Robert Cornelius(1)
Entry Logged By: Neal - Photos by: Neal (2)

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