The Grand Saga of
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Through Time and Space (and Pudding)!

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Studio Carrum Ccohortis

Entry Logged on: January 24, 2011 to Part 3 by: George
Page Views: 579 - Times Displayed: 4482

After extensive research for 23 years, George and Neal released the results of their Studio Carrum Ccohortis project. They discovered a very complex formula for determining the winners of any given sporting event. Careful comparison between two teams and their fans can show which team will actually win any given sporting event. Taken into consideration is such data as how many fans watch or attend an event when they normally wouldn't, how many fans are absent from events they would normally attend, how many fans wear apparel supporting their team when they normally wouldn't, how many fans' lucky garments are unable to be worn, who shaved or didn't shave their beard or legs, etc. All of this information gets compiled and the results for two competing teams are compared to predict which team will win the event. Their current algorithm is 98.458% correct and being improved all the time. So the next time someone says it's your fault their team lost because you had to go and watch the game, they were probably right.

Tags: oops(16) science(28) sports(24)
Entry Logged By: George

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