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Sciuridaetopian National Independent Commando Killing Elite Reactionary Squirrel Team

Entry Logged on: May 27, 2009 to Part 2 by: George - Photos by: George (1)
Page Views: 615 - Times Displayed: 5681

In 1994 George and Neal prevented a hostile takeover of the US by an army of chainsaw wielding raccoons (yes, again). Luckily our nail gun firing squirrels that we trained in the 1974 incursion had multiplied (like rodents are prone to do) as had their arsenal. Because of George and Neal's diplomacy (and a few strategically placed peanut bribes) their nation of Sciuridaetopia sent their Sciuridaetopian National Independent Commando Killing Elite Reactionary Squirrel team (S.N.I.C.K.E.R.S.) to save us all from having to eat out of garbage cans and dip our food in water once again (although Neal does tend to enjoy his meals that way occasionally).


Sciuridaetopian National Independent Commando Killing Elite Reactionary Squirrel Team - This raccoon stood no chance against the lightsaber wielding rodents...

This raccoon stood no chance against the lightsaber wielding rodents...

Photo by: George

Tags: 1974(6) 1994(4) kicking ass(16) peanuts(6) raccoons(3) sciuridaetopia(3) squirrels(3) star wars(7)
Names Mentioned: star wars(7)
Entry Logged By: George - Photos by: George (1)

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