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Slap-Bracelets: The Origin

Entry Logged on: March 26, 2009 to Part 1 by: Neal
Page Views: 632 - Times Displayed: 5555

In the mid-1990s, in an effort to assist law enforcement, Neal and George created a new lightweight, easy to use handcuff. To the shock and frustration of law enforcement across the nation, these new handcuffs were easily removable. As a result, hundreds of criminals roamed free because of Neal and George's invention. In an effort to turn lemons into lemonade, George and Neal renamed them Slap-Bracelets, and made millions because junior high kids loved them (almost as much as the criminals).

Tags: 1990s(4) crimes & scams(16) failures(22) inventions(49) origin(24) success!(13)
Entry Logged By: Neal

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